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Appraisal Institute Controversy

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Well, she was only there 11 months and she was heartily defending appraisers against the "racist appraiser" narrative favoring those designated members that head up AMCs or are big deal executives at the GSEs.
They better watch CFPB. The CFPB may drain that kitty to pay legislators on lobbyist money.
CFPB has authority over any govt, private, etc., etc. in the lending world.

Name it? They have authority over it. They probably have authority over FTC if it is related to lending.

That is why they all let Chopra speak last in appraisal bias hearings.
Trust me most congress people would not want to face Chopra and CFPB in a congressional hearing.

Okay Sir, we understand. How much do we owe you?
The CFPB is still probably getting feedback from witnesses in appraisal bias hearings.

Not just appraisal bias issue that CFPB is getting feedback from. Some are focusing on other things like internal issues that FDIC, FSLIC, and other regulatory bodies are in control of like commingling of fees.

Do you really think lobbyist money is involved?
C'mon George, AI members can't read between the lines of a public statement by the president but reading between the lines of Glassdoor reviews is OK?

Anyway, those who are pushing the need for secrecy and justifying it with analogies to corporate America seem to forget the AI is a non-profit formed to benefit its members. There is NO JUSTIFICATION FOR SECRECY. Now with that said, there may be a need to keep personnel and legal issues private but that's a far cry from secret meetings with secret votes. The AI isn't a private for-profit business or corporation formed for the benefit its owner or stockholders, even though a few at national treat it that way.

One more point: The "Special Message" announcing Dr. Chance "is no longer in her role as CEO" lacked basic manners. Not wishing Dr. Chance well in her future is telling. But some think it's inappropriate to read between the lines.
I don't think it's inappropriate to read between the lines but by the time people are making decisions like dropping their membership based on speculation instead of simply waiting for the facts to come out then that might be a little reactive.
Given the deceptive message put out by AI about "false rumors" regarding Cindy being fired, followed a couple days later by Cindy's firing, who's to say whatever facts come out will be trustworthy?
I don't think it's inappropriate to read between the lines but by the time people are making decisions like dropping their membership based on speculation instead of simply waiting for the facts to come out then that might be a little reactive.
I don't disagree that a ready/fire/aim approach isn't the best game plan. But this didn't happen in a vacuum, there was a lead up and more than a few feal betrayed by the flat out gaslighting that happened.
Given the deceptive message put out by AI about "false rumors" regarding Cindy being fired, followed a couple days later by Cindy's firing, who's to say whatever facts come out will be trustworthy?
Yep. The CIA will release their Kennedy assassination files before the AI will release anything. What we have now is all that we'll have. And in the end don't be surprised when a familiar name is named her replacement.
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CFPB has authority over any govt, private, etc., etc. in the lending world.

Name it? They have authority over it. They probably have authority over FTC if it is related to lending.

That is why they all let Chopra speak last in appraisal bias hearings.
He's been on a tear with some banks and credit card companies lately. It's time the Untouchables get uncomfortable.
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