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Appraisal Institute Controversy

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I wonder if the AI is financially viable without the dues from the residential side? I also wonder what the appraisal business would look like if the AI went out of business? Everyone joins RICS and hopes the internal politics there work out better than they did for the AI?
I wonder if the AI is financially viable without the dues from the residential side? I also wonder what the appraisal business would look like if the AI went out of business? Everyone joins RICS and hopes the internal politics there work out better than they did for the AI?
I don't think they are viable without SRA/AI-RRS rent income. And IMO, nothing will change for boots on the ground resi appraisers because the AI does near nothing of consequence for resi appraisers now.
why was cindy there anyways...she dont know about AI and their ways...she should post here :ROFLMAO:
For those with an interest in organizing, the current uproar might be a golden opportunity to appeal to people to divert those membership dues to and join a different advocacy org. Like the AGA for example. And to divert their CE spending to a different CE vendor. I don't know if any of the appraisalware vendors are involved in PAREA but if they are then maybe they don't deserve your business either.

FTR and before anyone asks, I don't know anyone at the AGA and the crack I made above should not be reimagined as me being their shill. I'm just spitballing here.

I'm not an AI member and what their internal politics are like is none of my business. I also think everyone should act per their own priorities. But for me, I have already decided on a personal level that I'm not patronizing any QE/CE vendor that is participating in PAREA because I object to the use of that program for experience credits for licensure. At the moment the AI is doing that so I'm not spending one dime in that direction.
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I got this in my email this morning.

Well, isn’t this just a “fine how do you do.”

The A.I. President, Sandra Adomatis, SRA, sent this message out today, 9/13/24 (what a wonderful 13th day for this!):

“We are writing to inform you that as of today, September 13, Cindy Chance is no longer in her role as CEO of the Appraisal Institute.”

Rumors that this was pending have been circulating around appraiserville for several weeks.

Today, I’m reading comments on various forums asking “will we be told the real reason for this?” My answer: Nope. It will never be discussed publicly.

This action makes me seriously consider why I pay dues to this organization, as I have since 2003. Will I continue being a ‘member’, now that Cindy and others were able to get the Directors to change their attitude about us lowly non-designated Practicing Affiliates, and changed the A.I. policy about how non-designated dues paying appraisers could identify themselves to others?

For years, A.I. has been dominated by people who didn’t (and maybe still don’t) give a rat’s pattootee about residential appraisers. On the BoD, only 22% of those folks are singular SRA’s; the rest are singular MAI’s or have dual MAI/SRA designations.

Over the years, A.I. has been extraordinarily deficient in regularly explaining to the American Public what appraising is and how it’s done. A.I. has been basically silent in defending our work against the outlandish discrimination claims that infer that all appraisers are racists. It’s one reason why we appraisers have targets on our backs.

Finally, after the prior CEO retired, the BoD hired a highly qualified Ph.D in Cindy Chance to lead this organization. It didn’t take Cindy long to figure out why A.I. had/has structural issues. Changes were instituted, and honest discussion about what appraisers have been experiencing since 2020 were put forth .... frankly in response to politics of the current federal administration.

My ‘take’ on this is those actions ruffled feathers to a point that the one person doing an incredibly good job over the past year had to be jettisoned so that long-term ‘members’ can retain the status quo of what once was. In my view, that has become an extremely short-sighted outcome.

Frankly, I suspect that I and many other A.I. ‘members’ will be taking a hard look at our involvement, and whether or not we should continue paying dues to an organization that chooses not to publicly fully represent, support and defend all appraisers, despite the internal claims that they do.

Dave Towne, MNAA, AVAA, AGA Owner / Educator

Certified Residential RE Appraiser Appraiser Education Service

23+ yrs Experience
Quality live appraiser CE education

FHA Approved 360-708-1196

Accredited Green Appraiser dtowne@fidalgo.net

Specialist – HUD Sec. 184 Lending Pgms.

Freelance Writer – Appraisal Topics Member

360-708-1196 Kiwanis Club of Mount Vernon

Towne Appraisals
Board of Director’s Member



Mount Vernon, WA

Appraisal Institute – Practicing Affiliate Member

National Association of Appraisers – Member

Appraisers’ Coalition of Washington – Member

American Veteran American Appraiser – Honored Recipient


sounds like a good discrimination lawsuit for cindy....take them to the cleaners :ROFLMAO:
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‘It's still not entirely clear what led to the termination. In terms of disputes between the CEO and the board, Chance said she's "on the record as recommending governance overhaul, but I wouldn’t call that a dispute- that was a recommendation based on my fiduciary responsibility to the organization. I was executing successfully and communicating transparently to the Board and the membership regarding my progress on our board approved goals."’

Could this mean she wanted changes to the BOD?
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