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Appraisal Institute Controversy

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"secret" meeting?

...was terminated during what she described as a “secret board meeting” on Thursday night that she was excluded from.​

The Appraisal Institute now faces a backlash from members who support Chance, a veteran nonprofit leader who joined roughly a year ago and pledged to make governance reforms and support the work of on-the-ground appraisers.​

When i attended an AI class back about 10 years ago, the chapter (New Mexico High Plains) there was considerable backlash over AI leaving TAF because TAF thought they could be educators too. Our instructor was the Prez at the time they withdrew from TAF and was forced to defend his position to the class - speaking of which - about 2 hours of the class was devoted to this issue which had nothing to do with 'continuing education' - but that's another issue.
It was around then that I finally left AI. The county didn't want to pay dues because AI left TAF, so I switched to IAAO.
The comments on social media are devastating against the AI. The FOJ clearly did not want to lose control much less to a woman. They will protect their gravy train at all costs.
Yeah, I was talking to a friend who knows more than most about the situation and there’s more than a little misogyny mixed in.
I’m glad she’s speaking up.
I smell a "tell all" book deal in the works.

I'm kind of surprised there's not more comments under the article. Mary Cummins chimed in yet, no others.
Can't have someone with a PhD in ethics be CEO of an unethical corrupt organization. Honestly, I have no idea how she even got the job - you'd think after the AI board saw ethics professor on her resume, they've just have tossed it. They need someone who is good at taking bribes and selling favors for cash at top.
They no doubt thought she would go along with their actions and they could say 'look, we are ethical, our CEO has a PhD in ethics, for crying out loud" and she's a woman to boot. Turns out Dr. Chance worked hard to earn her credentials and was not as easily intimidated as AI thought she would be. She's a good writer and should team up with Jeremy Baggot for a tell all book or at least an article in a National periodical.
I took all my initial training through the Society of Real Estate Appraisers. TBH I always liked their vibe better than what I was seeing at the AIREA. But that was just my experience. Maybe the different chapters in other regions acted differently.
Yes, the Chapter makes a big difference. I took the Advanced classes in different Chapter locations than the Chapter I started in, which was very "country club" snobby. It had so few members left, that it had to merge with a bigger Chapter, but they still hold their own social events, etc.
When the main topic of casual conversation at a meeting is competition control then that's a very different vibe from when they're networking with each other and talking story.
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Talking Story​

The way I understand it, "talking story" is the Hawaiian Pidgin expression used to describe talking with friends and chit-chatting. It's a time of sharing generational wisdom, telling folk tales, talking about events of the day and dreams or concerns for the future. It's a wonderful time of fostering relationships and cultivating community. When everyone is done "talking story," it's back to life.

Upon closer reflection, I realized that I "talk story" in my own mind, all by myself, and I bet you do too! It's OK, it's how we process all that's going on: our past, our present, and our future. We "talk story" to and with ourselves. But just like when we talk story with family and neighbors, it’s helpful to be able to get back to life as it’s unfolding. If all we did was talk story, we’d miss out on a lot of life!
I took the Advanced classes in different Chapter locations than the Chapter I started in, which was very "country club" snobby. It had so few members left, that it had to merge with a bigger Chapter,
We used to have a St. Louis, an Ozark Chapter, an Arkansas Chapter, a Tulsa (Green Country Chapter), and Greater Oklahoma chapter. The Arkansas Chapter I think has merged with the Ozark, and all the Oklahoma chapters so you have an "Oklahoma Ozark" chapter. They obviously are not as large as they used to be. Distance to meetings is why I never joined. I joined NAIFA and our local chapter went down and I was in the NE Oklahoma chapter which meant 70 miles one way. I quit when attending a meeting and there were exactly 4 people plus the guest speaker. And I drove further than almost any other member had to drive. It was embarrassing for the president, who also happened to be the incoming president of NAIFA - John Wilkerson.
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