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Appraisal Port?

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Jeff Horton

Senior Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Anyone use or know something about Appraisal Port?

One of my small clients is switching to this. I did a search but I didn't see anything on them. Can anyone tell me about it/them?? I am assuming this is someone else wanting more of the Appraisers income.
I use appraisal port for some of my greenlink, indymac and bofa work. If you accept the assignment through appraisal port and then deliver it through appraisal port, you are billed $5 for each appraisal.

All 3 clients hate using appraisal port. It's a pain in the neck because you cannot communicate with the client in real time. Other than that it's ok and the customer service and support people and appraisal port are friendly, courteous and helpful.

just go to appraisalport.com and there are instructions on how to create an account and then link to your client. It's kind of a dificult process at first. Anytime you client has an order for you, you'll get an email notification with a link.
I use appraisalport for 3 clients, although only one is currently very active on it (WAMU). No headaches. The appraisal order usually includes the sales contract and communication is online. There is no lender pressure when using appraisalport, as clients communicating online leave a written record, visible to loan originators, supervisors, review departments, etc.

I like it. No headaches.
Got a big lender client that just started using it, and like Tawfik... I like it. :)
Makes life much easier having a written record, rather than daily phone calls and faxes.
Are you all sending PDF or AI Ready?
We have been using Appraisalport.com for the past few years. Been no problems, unless there are questions on the report or things of that sort. Then, it can get a little messy. Full fee less $5.
Yes Jeff, it's a real PITA. Inform your client that you will now be charging extra for the hassle and the $5 per report you will have to pay. Some lenders pay the $5, or so I have been told. Either way, it WILL take you more time and it WILL be more of a hassle. I suggest raising your rates accordingly.
I don't know about raising fees. I don't waste any time on the phone and never haggle. It's well worth $5.

And I use pdf only.

Don't do AI ready.
I have used it for several years and it is workable. You can read messages between other individuals as they order or have activity regarding your order and then you can post any messages you think are necessary. You post your message and ask them to call you--which they do shortly after-wards. I send my report as pdf files--I do not use AI Ready software. I have a suspicion that most appraisers do that. Depending on the client you can send one pdf file for the report and a second pdf file for the invoice. I create a pdf file for each, using my file number with a letter A for the invoice. That way with some of the clients I can put ABC AMC on the invoice and XYZ Bank on the actual file. Works out real well. Actually for me it takes about the same amount of time whether I email the client a report directly or go through Appraisal Port. The nice thing is that Appraisal Port tells you whether the report has been received or not. And then later I will get an email that the report has been processed. Sometimes with emailing reports to clients--I never know until several weeks later that they didn't actually receive the report (or so they say--I think they actually lose it after they did receive it). So Appraisal Port does provide tracking.
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