Originally posted by Shirley Yukon@Dec 2 2003, 01:39 AM
--- But also, if someone shows me no respect, I won't give them any respect either. I make a few comments and all of a sudden you have all these people jumping all over me and attacking me. If you go back and read from the beginning who starts disrespecting who first, its clear who the people that are. --- Go ahead, read it and tell me who starts ripping who first. Once they show me no respect, I won't show them any either. --- But I do respect your opinion and will not disrespect any member as long as they don't disrespect me first.
Source: WordNet ® 1.7
n 1: (usually preceded by `in') a detail or point; "it differs in
that respect" [syn: regard]
2: the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or
well regarded); "it is held in esteem"; "a man who has
earned high regard" [syn: esteem, regard] [ant: disesteem]
3: an attitude of admiration or esteem; "she lost all respect
for him" [syn: esteem, regard] [ant: disrespect]
4: an courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or
regard; "his deference to her wishes was very flattering";
"be sure to give my respects to the dean" [syn: deference]
5: behavior intended to please your parents; "their children
were never very strong on obedience"; "he went to law
school out of respect for his father's wishes" [syn: obedience]
6: a feeling of friendship and esteem; "she mistook his manly
regard for love"; "he inspires respect" [syn: regard]
7: courteous regard for people's feelings; "in deference to
your wishes"; "out of respect for his privacy" [syn: deference,
v 1: regard highly; think much of [syn: esteem, value, prize,
prise] [ant: disrespect, disrespect]
2: show respect towards; "honor your parents!" [syn: honor, honour,
abide by, observe] [ant: disrespect]
Respect is not a right that is yours automatically. Respect of your peers is earned.
Do you really believe 3 comps are all that's necessary to determine adjustments? Do you really think that whatever 3 comps you choose to use are the only ones needed to determine any adjustments from?
Consider this: If you are completing your appraisals with the thought of keeping a reviewer from questioning anything and you still get reviewer questions, maybe you are doing something wrong.
Verifying information regarding the comparable sales with a party involved in that transaction, determining the correct adjustments from multiple sales, not just 3,
is part of what separates a REAL APPRAISER from a simpleton form filler or an AVM.
I'm 51 years old. I've been involved in Real Estate since I was 18 years old. I've been an appraiser since 1995. I still have a lot to learn about life and appraising and will only stop learning when I die.
It's obvious that so far your only goal in being an appraiser is turning them as fast as you can. One of my goals is to get rid of appraisers that don't pay any attention to the quality of their work. Your youth, inexperience and a large ego are showing. If you're not here to learn to do quality appraisals and help bring this so called profession UP, then why are you here? If you're here to teach the rest of us 'old timers' how to do things your way, we've already seen the messes your way makes, we already know what your doing and not doing. We see them in the reviews we do and paint targets on the backs of those not verifying the information or making unjustified adjustments.
I do understand how difficult it can be to find out you're doing something wrong. It's even harder to find out that doing it THE RIGHT WAY is going to take longer and you won't make as much money. Add on the loan officers, real estate agents and homeowners that get angry when you tell them the truth, withhold YOUR money just for doing your job correctly, and don't send any more orders - JUST FOR DOING YOUR JOB CORRECTLY.
Now please try to take a step back and look at it from the shoes of those of us that do our job correctly and get burned by those that are only thinking of 'how fast can I turn these appraisals' and 'what do I need to do to keep a reviewer from questioning what I didn't determine from my market data' and 'I'll do whatever it takes to keep the orders coming in'. THAT'S the attitude of the ones that call themselves an appraiser but are causing all appraisers to lose jobs to AVMs. Keep it up and the only appraisers left will be the old timers with ethics and experience that actually know how to appraiser the unique properties. That's probably going to happen anyway.
How many houses have you bought or sold for yourself?
How many buyers have you spent time with while they were looking for a house to buy for themselves?
Do you have any idea what a 'typical' buyer for the subject of your appraisal might be thinking as they walk through that house? Why they might choose your subject over one of your comps or why they might choose one of your comps over your subject?
You're right about one thing, Appraising ain't rocket science. It's a combination of statistical analysis and understanding the variances that drive the buyers. The statistics take time and effort to verify the information and determine the correct adjustments. The understanding of the forces that drive the buyers takes time and effort and EXPERIENCE.
Respect as an appraiser from your peers is a wonderful feeling and comes from doing your job with care and quality in mind plus being open to learning and correcting the bad habits that are too often leaned as a beginner appraiser. For the most part, all of us here on this forum have been quite nice to you considering what we are reading regarding what you do/don't do as an appraiser and your nasty responses. Having an appraisal license only means you passed a test and we've all seen way too many with that license that we have NO respect for. If you want respect from your peers, you'll find the way to earn it.
I really do wish you well - with the condition that you learn to appraise with quality.