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Appraiser board

Nothing we can do about it. I doubt if we could get 25 appraisers to ask her to resign. Her term expires 06/2025. New governor and new Speaker of the House.
I have challenged TWO appointments in the past, when they were made (before they ever attended a meeting) and they were both "unappointed". They did not meet the qualifications as sated in NC 93e. It was/is nothing personal at all. I simply believe in state boards and commissions adhering to the law.
What happened when that occured. I have same issue here in state I live in with a complaint . They do not meet state minimum qualifications for board make up.
If Joan Trice is still alive and kicking, she could tell you the States that are bucking her agenda. I can name the groups Joan is affiliated with but don't need to.

Some States respect the appraisal profession. Even GSE, FDIC, FSLIC, State regulators can't overrule State law if you are doing anything in that State does not comply with their State law.
Okay, another reference. What would happen tomorrow if HUD said tomorrow lenders, we are changing full disclosure of all fees the borrower is paying. These are the changes to truth in lending disclosures. Anything related to truth in lending disclosures are in the changes.

What would be worse is if Chopra and CFPB did it because CFPB overrules HUD. All those regulators always let CFPB speak last in appraisal bias hearings.

They just hoped they didn't screw up before Chopra got to them as witnesses. He was nice to Jonathon Miller (independent fee appraiser).

When it is consumer lending related, CFPB over rules anybody in the whole regulatory structure.
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What happened when that occured. I have same issue here in state I live in with a complaint . They do not meet state minimum qualifications for board make up.

Unfortunately, state boards seem to be out of control. They’ve taken USPAP, which is already majorly flawed, and used it as a weapon. Until we have real judges and a fair court system, this situation is likely to persist.
So your thinking is that appraisers will fare better in the courts in front of non-appraisers than in front of people who at least know what they're talking about WRT appraisals? Interesting. The change you seem to favor consists of substituting one group of people (the state boards) because of their personal misunderstanding of appraisal specifics for another group of people who have no understanding of appraising.

There's better than what already exists and then there's worse than what already exists. Some changes are arguably worth making while other changes are arguably not worth making.
Do you think a board can still dispense actions against appraisers if the members appointed to the board do not meet the state law qualifications for board qualifications and number of each license type. I think it is an illegal quorum. And they fail to meet a means test by state law requirements ans this their actions are illegal as they don't meet the quorum qualifications per state law
You may be right.... but, someone has to challenge that practice in order to change it. Laws and regulations and rules are only as good as their enforcement.
Sputman is right, but you got the money and time to go thru the court systems.

You never want the state to look any of your appraisals, was always my mantra.
So your thinking is that appraisers will fare better in the courts in front of non-appraisers than in front of people who at least know what they're talking about WRT appraisals? Interesting. The change you seem to favor consists of substituting one group of people (the state boards) because of their personal misunderstanding of appraisal specifics for another group of people who have no understanding of appraising.

There's better than what already exists and then there's worse than what already exists. Some changes are arguably worth making while other changes are arguably not worth making.
I don't think that is what @Mejappz was indicating. I could be wrong. Just a few posts back you indicated there were biases in the current system. Now, you take the opposite stance?
Mejappz thinks the standards are a mess but can never point to a flaw. The complaints about the state boards amount to some of the appointees at some of the boards not understanding where the dividing line is between what the standards and the state law end vs their own personal minimums. That's basically the same complaint a lot of appraisers have about review appraisers.

The criticisms of the states allowing complaints to be made indiscriminately is a tough one to fix because there's basically no way for a state to prohibit the submission of a complaint which lacks an actual allegation of a violation.

The OPs complaint is the states acting contrary to their own law WRT appointments or quorums. That is a problem at the state govt level and has nothing to do with what the appraisal standards are or what the state laws/regs require of the licensees.
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