"Q23. May a person on a lender’s staff who is not part of the loan production staff and does
not receive a bonus or commission based on loan closings provide an appraisal
management company a list or panel of appraisers to use for loans involving a
specified mortgage broker, real estate agent, or loan officer?
No person on a lender’s staff may provide an appraisal management company a list or panel
of appraisers to be used for loans involving a specified mortgage broker, real estate agent, or
loan officer. AIR specifically prohibits lenders from accepting appraisal reports completed by
an appraiser selected, retained, or compensated in any manner by mortgage brokers and real
estate agents. Mortgage brokers and real estate agents must not be involved in the selection
of appraisers for an approved panel or specific assignments under any circumstances. Please
refer to Section IV.A for further information regarding who is authorized to select and retain
appraisers. "
The above right from Fannie. Note they state ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, that would also mean the circumstance of selection by exclusion, since there are two basic methods of selection that exist, one is to pick a person, the other to exclude a person. I presume Fannie did not state that specifically because they they don't every form of gaming the system that might occur.
Selection by exlusion means the agent had a hand in selection and they are not the client, they have a vested interest etc. Why are appraisers supporting this in any way shape or form would be the question