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Are You Ready for 2025?

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Surely, people can fill out a simple form and file it online without needing to hire an accountant.
The cash deposit to Banks reportable to the IRS went from $1,000 to $600. This really hurts the little guy out doing small home repairs for homeowners. This also hurts RE Appraisers for non-lending assignments aka homeowners.

Just so you know we are steadily making progress towards a cash-less Society. When that happens bartering will increase dramatically. i,e,

Hey Joe the carpenter would you come over to my house and fix/repair my front porch? Sure I will I if you can come over later and help scrape N paint my detached garage. Do we have a deal? Absolutely!
The cash deposit to Banks reportable to the IRS went from $1,000 to $600. This really hurts the little guy out doing small home repairs for homeowners. This also hurts RE Appraisers for non-lending assignments aka homeowners.

Just so you know we are steadily making progress towards a cash-less Society. When that happens bartering will increase dramatically. i,e,

Hey Joe the carpenter would you come over to my house and fix/repair my front porch? Sure I will I if you can come over later and help scrape N paint my detached garage. Do we have a deal? Absolutely!

This rating indicates that a claim has significant elements of both truth and falsity to it such that it could not fairly be described by any other rating.
I'm sure the money launderers and other criminals will be lining up to fill out their forms!
I'm sure the money launderers and other criminals will be lining up to fill out their forms!
You're right....
There's a trial taking place in Manhattan right now....
And an appeal in NYC....
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