<span style='color:darkblue'>Doug:
It may be a bit more burdensome than you mentioned, for everyone, because,
Guess What? -- Offers to sale, temporary or not, that may never go thru MLS, are part of "Sales History" TOO! They sure are!
I am all for competent appraising and catching the Bad Guys and also the Slack A**ses, but I hope this one is well thought out as being a good tradeoff for increased fees charged to appraisal users. (Of course, Don't mean a damn thing to me, because I generally do it all anyway, partly because it is so easy to do with the information typically gathered before doing the analysis anyway -- regardless whether it is residential or commercial, and also due to going back as far as 10 years anyway.) We want to be responsive to the client and the public by not "breaking the bank," so to speak.
You will be comforted to know that several on the North Carolina Appraisal Board argued very strenuously for this increased provision. I bet they helped force it through whether it was wanted by all or not. Now, that is no concern for us in this particular state because of the years of demonstrated wisdom and fairness of our particular board. We know that this would never be abused by selective enforcement against any appraiser who may be viewed as a "competitive rival" in the market to any of our good board members, and at the same time, be ignored in the cases of themselves or their buddies --
But, Listen up Everyone, how about in your state? Can you say the same thing? Can you be assured that your board is as good as the NCAB?
Just something to think about....
On the other hand, look at all the
Major Good News:
As someone wisely alluded to already in this thread:
AVMs are now officially Out of Business!! Right?! I mean, how in the world will such appraisal and reporting schemes cost-effectively adhere to this requirement !? And we understand that no regulation would ever be passed that would not be upheld against just part of the "appraisal community," Right? Hell, no! Let's not be silly, please! -- It just could never happen!
You see, there may be some serious wisdom in the Appraisal Regulation World after all. How clever (particularly certain state) enforcers are! This BS that any of this is any type of banker conspiracy to further hinder human appraising -- is just that!! They are all selflessly looking after the good of the country -- And That's Final (no arguments on this point, please) -- not as any silly appraisers may be erroneously concerned.
I say again:
Don't complain. Be happy!
David C. Johnson
NC State-Certified General R.E. Appraiser
Lee Ann:
"Search for prior sale of subject and comparable was limited
to perusal of the county appraisers sale history record.
[Hmmmm....] :wink:
[Hey, what's your deal with Black Sheep? Part of the "heard"? Well, hear this -- Are they really that baa baa baa...d?]
"More meaningless, non-sense for state boards to discipline
appraisers with. Damn, we have to be the dumbest trade on
earth....... "
[Shame on you -- see my very final line in this post.]
"The part I like is the fact that it will be harder for appraisers to
say a property is worth $200,000 three years after they purchased
it for $100,000 in a tract home addition that has a top sale of
$160,000 now."
[Well said -- (no joke this time)]
Tim in Texas
(Who only posts to ===== and whine)"
[Me too, Tim. I like that. Me and you and a few others are getting to be Fine Vintage Stuff !!]</span>