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Asked AI ChatGPT if AI was going to Replace Appraisers...here is what it said back.

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Senior Member
Jun 19, 2006
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
It is possible that AI could play a larger role in the real estate appraisal profession in the future. AI-powered systems can analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately, which could be useful in determining property values. However, it is important to note that real estate appraisal also involves human expertise, such as the ability to assess the condition of a property and consider factors that may not be easily quantifiable. It is likely that AI will be used to assist appraisers in their work, rather than replace them entirely. Additionally, regulatory and legal considerations are also a factor in the appraisal process, so even if AI systems could perform appraisals, they may not be able to sign off on them.

If you haven't checked out Chat GPT...you should. So many people on it, you have to wait a few minutes sometimes but its pretty frigging cool.
I love ChatGPT. I use it to proofread my emails. If I'm stuck on how I want to say something, I can give ChatGPT the gist and it creates something for me. It's such a wonderful writing tool. DO NOT use chatGPT for math calculations or math explanations. It is notoriously inaccurate.

It's so fun to play around with!


I really hope the service is free to use with ads instead of pay as you go. OpenAI would make an insane amount of money by targeting ads based on searches.
This is the answer I got.... If you ask it to 'explain' when asking the question...seems to do better.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to impact many industries, including the appraisal management industry. AI can be used to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the appraisal process, such as by analyzing data, automating routine tasks, and providing more accurate property valuations.

However, it is unlikely that AI will completely replace Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs) in the near future. While AI can automate certain tasks, it still requires human oversight and interpretation to ensure the accuracy of the results. Real estate appraisals are a complex process that require a high level of expertise and judgement, and human appraisers are still necessary to complete the appraisal process.

Moreover, regulatory bodies such as the Appraisal Qualification Board (AQB) and the Appraisal Institute (AI) require that a licensed or certified appraiser conduct the appraisal. Therefore, AI-powered systems might assist the appraisers in their work, but it is unlikely to replace the human appraiser entirely.

In summary, while AI may have a role to play in the appraisal management industry, it is unlikely to completely replace the human element in the near future. Appraisal Management Companies will likely continue to play a critical role in the appraisal process by providing human expertise, oversight, and compliance with regulatory requirements.
It is just another high-tech venue for dissemination of propaganda and mass-population brainwashing. Do you think it comes up with its answers on its own? Or do you think that the "secret sauce" (read: algorhythms) put in by the programmers steer you towards the warped world view they might be advocating?

All I can say is .... F this high tech world. It is not one I want to have any part of. If you need it to help you think .... well, good luck to you. 1984 has arrived.
It is just another high-tech venue for dissemination of propaganda and mass-population brainwashing. Do you think it comes up with its answers on its own? Or do you think that the "secret sauce" (read: algorhythms) put in by the programmers steer you towards the warped world view they might be advocating?

All I can say is .... F this high tech world. It is not one I want to have any part of. 1984 has arrived.
Can you give specifics? It's a commercial company. They want to be non-partisan and non-offensive so they can sell stuff. All the cool prompts you could do in the beginning have been censored. It gives very neutral answers that try to explain the whole context.



It is just another high-tech venue for dissemination of propaganda and mass-population brainwashing. Do you think it comes up with its answers on its own? Or do you think that the "secret sauce" (read: algorhythms) put in by the programmers steer you towards the warped world view they might be advocating?

All I can say is .... F this high tech world. It is not one I want to have any part of. If you need it to help you think .... well, good luck to you. 1984 has arrived.

it would be like pulling the curtain on the wizard of oz and finding bill gates
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