Mr. Brown, with all due respect, the issue isn't the money, the issue is whether the bank is making loans to the public that they shouldn't in the first place. The bank definitely had a document for $103,054 the I paid for and had a right to see before closing.
My 1st mortgage balance was appx. $82,400. The texas constitution states that a Home Equity loan can only be made if the sum of the 1st and the 2nd do not exceed 80% of the market value. With the $103,054 amount the Bank could only lend $43.20 (82,443.20 - 1st mortgage of 82,400). So it appears to me that they sought out another "valuation" to Make[/u] the loan.
Understand that 80% of the higher $117,000 they secured is $93,600. $93,600 - the 1st mortgage of $82,400 is $11,200. $11,200 is the now the amount they "could" lend out. Guess what my loan was for? $11,200. My contention is that Bank one seeing they could not make the loan for customer secured an amount higher so it would appear to all that view that contract, that it appeared to be in line with the Texas constitution.
But double jeopardy comes unbeknownst to the consumer who does not have any type of appraisal documention at all when the sale of the house occurs. If the $103,054 is a realistic amount, which I believe it is, the problem is 100% of equity loss at time of sale. If I sold the house tomarrow for $103,500, lets say. If I owe $82,400 on the 1st and $11,200 on the 2nd my equity (not counting closing costs) would be $9,900. That equity amount is far less than the 20% amount of $20,620.80 that the the Texas Constitution wanted to preserve for it's citizens. Equity stripping is what's happening here.. that's what it's called. Like in predatory equity scams... equity stripping. It is a national sham and shame what banks are doing. They simply cannot continue in this deceiptive manner. And once again, I reinterate... the REFUSE to allow me to see the 1999 "valuation documentation". Why?
If the bank was on the up and up, they would have disclosed the fact that there were materially differences in the "valuation" documentation to the borrower. I Paid for that information and I should have had it to allow for what is given to me in the law.... my right to riscind on the contract.
And am I reading comment as those heard in the Emperors New Clothes? The $103,054 amount Exists!!!! And I got it in the mail! I am trying to figure out why some are trying to get me just to see the $117,000 amount. I see that but I also see the $103,054 amount! It is the "Naked" truth!