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Where is the current Trump economic model? Will it be forthcoming similar to his words-only replace Obamacare plan? :)
Its been in place for 7 years now, where have you been? That model is about the only thing that has kept us afloat during the Biden reign of terror reducing wages via his tsunami of orgiastic spending and waves of inflation not to mention his open border policy. And did I mention he is corrupt as well as incompetent? And what's with the Obama thing and Mexico pay for the wall thing? Biden said he was going to be the most honest and transparent president we have ever had, and he has been anything but, but what is important is Trump didn't get around to replace Obama care and make Mexico pay for our infrastructure?
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Just a matter of time.

I was in CA a couple weeks ago (Lake Tahoe, Pebble Beach) and I stopped at a McD somewhere between Tahoe and Sonoma. Egg muffin meal and extra mcmuffin. $17. WTF??? That's after I had to say McMuffin about 4 times to the non-English speaker behind the counter.

That along with $6 gas...I guess you get what you vote for out there.
The problem like all voting is very few in CALI actually vote and in local elections its sometimes as low as 15% or less of a cities populace. The Bay Area and Los Angeles both Dark Blue control the election results. The folks who live in the outer areas or rural framing areas votes dont count for much. With a legal population of near 40 Million-- it's a real cluster **** and really a Nation looking more and more like a Mad Max Movie.
Limit the menu so there are fewer options
Drive-thru only
ATM type kiosk to handle ordering and payment
AI to take the order verbally (in perfectly elocuted English) so people don't have to wade through drop down menus and press buttons
Robotocize the prep for drinks, fries, cookies and such.
Now all you have are your grill and assembly workers and the counter workers who are limited to putting the orders together and delivering them to the drive-thru window.

Fewer workers, smaller facilities, less maintenance, fewer ingredients. After a while it can add up.
On a local level the $6.50 -$7.00 a gallon gasoline, increased utilities prices, and food are really starting to show in how people are acting and spending. In my area many commute long freeway drives everyday and also Governor Gruesome just past the $20.00 per hour fast food wage and many will have to stop eating out. It seems its all converging at one time on the working class. The Upper income no big deal but for the average Joe it's quite painful. My guess is its all going to start being unable to hide in bogus statistics and by next year Biden administration is going to have a hard sell as Americans know its all BS.Its the Titanic and the Iceberg is not to far out :)
CA currently has minimum wage at $15.50/hour. Starting in Jan 2024, min wage will increase to $16/hour. In April 2024, the fast food min wage will be $20/hour.
That's still about $40,000 a year and that's poverty level. Minimum wage people need to uplift themselves and get better jobs.
CA currently has minimum wage at $15.50/hour. Starting in Jan 2024, min wage will increase to $16/hour. In April 2024, the fast food min wage will be $20/hour.
That's still about $40,000 a year and that's poverty level. Minimum wage people need to uplift themselves and get better jobs.
Those jobs were traditionally training jobs for teenagers, now it is fat 40-year-olds manning the lines, bemoaning their low incomes.
Maybe you should let your butt buddy Newsome know that.
CA community colleges after years of decline show an increase. Some attributed to more career oriented courses. Education is key to upward income mobility.
Drive-thru only
Already seeing some of that locally. Closing inside dining. Started with the pandemic and some just stayed with it.
ATM type kiosk to handle ordering and payment
Went into a new United Dairy Farmers last week to get some ice cream. Has to enter your order and pay using a touch screen.
Robotocize the prep for drinks, fries, cookies and such.
Much of fast food production is already semi automated. Deep fryers lower and raise the basket automatically. All the employee does is push the right button. The technology is already available for mass automation. Just needs to be adapted.
CA community colleges after years of decline show an increase. Some attributed to more career oriented courses. Education is key to upward income mobility.
Maybe that is because since 2019. California community colleges are basically free
Maybe that is because since 2019. California community colleges are basically free
I don't know if they were free since 2019. I don't go to community college and not aware.
The fact is even if free the enrollment didn't increase. Only this year there was an increase enrollment.

Got me thinking. CA has been very generous to the poor giving them many free things like discounted utility, internet, telephone, etc. Being poor in CA (not that I know) seems to have many helpful public resources in keeping them from extreme poverty if they know where to look for help.
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