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Bidenomics: 12% of Retired Americans Plan Return to Work in 2024, Citing Rising Costs, Survey Shows​

A new snapshot of American senior citizens shows that about 1 in 8 seniors is heading back to work.

The website ResumeBuilder commissioned an online survey of 500 people between the ages of 62 and 85 and found that 12 percent of those already retired plan to go back to work next year, while almost 25 percent are still working.

The poll was launched in November. No margin of error was provided.

Inflation and the increased cost of living are the top reasons why seniors are returning to work, with 61 percent of those responding citing them as their motivation.

The survey found that 34 percent did not have enough money saved to retire, while another 34 percent said they had debt to pay off.

Fed governors are making it clear that just because Powell suggested that the Fed is done raising rates does not mean that they are ready to cut those rates anytime soon.
The survey found that 34 percent did not have enough money saved to retire, while another 34 percent said they had debt to pay off.
I have enough money probably. But inflation is eating into my IRA. And I am paying taxes on the required withdrawals...and no mortgage or other expenses to offset it. I realize now, too late, that most of the time I should have been paying the taxes and putting the money in a Roth IRA. I paid more in taxes last year than anytime in the past 10 years. So, I may well keep the license another 2 years as a precaution against ballooning costs for things old people use - food, gas, utilities and medical.

Trump Tells Iowa Crowd Biden Is Pushing U.S. to a ‘Depression’ Like Nobody ‘Has Ever Seen’ — Hours After Market Hit All-Time High​

So the market tells people whether they are doing well or not? Or simply that the wealthy, and corporate owners of America are doing well. The market is convinced 2% interest is just around the corner. I am a doubter of that.

So the market tells people whether they are doing well or not? Or simply that the wealthy, and corporate owners of America are doing well. The market is convinced 2% interest is just around the corner. I am a doubter of that.

No it doesn't....
Trump thought it did....
Therefore MAGA thought they should happy with Orangeomics....
Therefore MAGA thought they should happy with Orangeomics
I was happy for him reducing the intrusion into things via OSHA, EPA, Corp of Engineers, and all the expensive red tape. The new CAFE regs will basically force EVs down everyone's throats and threatens to topple some car companies. Tooling to work in an EV in Boston isn't the same as trying to get from Oklahoma City to Guymon on Hwy 3 in an EV. You might get there but not likely to get back. I was for the border wall that Biden said, "Not one foot will be built.." when if fact they completed a partial wall this year, and he is trying to restart the Trump policy on immigration from catching so much heat from his own party.
So five major shipping companies and BP have cut off shipping operations in the Red Sea area. The border patrol has shut down two freight rail bridges over the Rio Grande. Wonder how long it will take for these situations to impact prices. The administration could do something. But will they
I was happy for him reducing the intrusion into things via OSHA, EPA, Corp of Engineers, and all the expensive red tape. The new CAFE regs will basically force EVs down everyone's throats and threatens to topple some car companies. Tooling to work in an EV in Boston isn't the same as trying to get from Oklahoma City to Guymon on Hwy 3 in an EV. You might get there but not likely to get back. I was for the border wall that Biden said, "Not one foot will be built.." when if fact they completed a partial wall this year, and he is trying to restart the Trump policy on immigration from catching so much heat from his own party.
I'm happy for you....
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