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BREA and Appraisal Foundation didn't get Trumps message....

There is nothing unconstitutional
You may not like how they run it or how they vote or appoint members, but that's just your personal feelings.

The enforcement of USPAP by state agencies and federal mandates through FIRREA could potentially raise constitutional questions.
yes...based on their theory of government...they can anoint the banksters, hunter, or epstien to write appraisal standards :ROFLMAO:
The enforcement of USPAP by state agencies and federal mandates through FIRREA could potentially raise constitutional questions.
Anyone can raise constitutional questions but FIRREA has been around for what 40 years ? Who cares about it ? The average appraser has no idea what it means nor do they care.
Congress legislates laws. One of those laws imposed a legal burden on the states, another acknowledged USPAP at the minimum standard. The states each legislated their own laws. The state boards are authorized and empowered to enforce those laws by their respective state constitutions.

In any case, the status quo for the last 35 years remains the status quo unless/until it is replaced with a new status quo. Then you'll have a new status quo to complain about. Regardless of the label on the cover or the authors of any changes, the underlying concepts and principles will remain the same, even if a few details in the housekeeping are added or removed. As long as those concepts and principles don't change then whatever the label on the manual says is immaterial and of no effect on the way appraisals are performed by the professionals who are working in good faith.

And here's the part you will really hate the most: your clients will still only be interested in buying what they think they need, not what you tell them that you require them to buy. If they think they need appraisal reports worded in a manner that doesn't expose them to the litigation lotto then that's what they're going to buy. If they think "less" is sufficient to their use then that's what they're going to buy. Etc. etc.
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Appraisers might not care but attorneys do.:giggle:
Dont know any attorney that wants a hypothetical constitutional issue.
What and whom are the plaintiff's and what damages has FIRREA caused them to try and prove a point ? How come in 40 years plus has nobody challenged it's legitimacy? Do you have any idea how much time and money it takes to even hear a judge declare if a case can move forward.
Dont know any attorney that wants a hypothetical constitutional issue.
Just like I’m sure you didn’t know any attorneys who were willing to take the case against AMC’s predatory behavior towards consumers and appraisers. Yet it happened.:)
No matter what, you will never get away from competing with other appraiser by fee. As long as there are more heads chasing fewer hours your peers will lower their rates in exchange for getting more work. Just like Amazon.

Same goes for me and the markets in which I compete. Supply/demand is primero.
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