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Cindy Chance

And it’s telling that an outsider/non-appraiser like Cindy is hired to be CEO and immediately recognizes all the mistakes they are making if they are truly advocates for the profession. It’s a shame that an MAI is still valued in commercial banking careers - otherwise they would all quit too. I only know a few, but most of them only hold their designation because of their high paying job at banks. They think AI is disgusting as the residential appraiser does.
I know little to nothing about the organization so it is no surprise that this the 1st time I've heard of Cindy Chance....
I'm surprised that forumites support a non-appraiser for the tip spot....
She’s the CEO, not president. Or was the CEO. The board probably had no idea how unethical they were until an outsider with a PhD in ethics took over. That was unacceptable to them. I get it,
Yeah, I've said basically the same for years; If those on the corporate side (MAI and SRA) had to pay their own CE and rent year after year the AI would be in trouble.

Yes, the MAI I know say the only reason they’re still members are because their job pays for everything. CE and the designation.
I can’t find the letter anywhere.
Oops, updated info: Someone screen shotted her LinkedIn account. From what I see she announced on LinkedIn not FB, but it was reposted to FB. Look her up on LinkedIn and read the comments.

Here's the text:
Cindy Chance
It has been a challenging and rewarding journey getting to know and defend appraisers. The pressures on the profession have impacts to consumers and the public, and I hope that people will pay increasing attention. I move on now from the Appraisal Institute, with gratitude for the many wonderful appraisers who shared their stories, described their challenges, and whom I have been deeply honored to serve.
Ok yes I saw that. Was wondering if she copied the letter. Probably prohibited with all the NDAs they make you sign.
I was a big fan of the Society until the AI took it over. The SRA is still useful for testimony work, but AMCs could not care less if you have a designation, only a pulse. I have to admit I have not been involved with any organization for over 20 years, not really sure what this is all about.
I took all my initial training through the Society of Real Estate Appraisers. TBH I always liked their vibe better than what I was seeing at the AIREA. But that was just my experience. Maybe the different chapters in other regions acted differently.
I took all my initial training through the Society of Real Estate Appraisers. TBH I always liked their vibe better than what I was seeing at the AIREA. But that was just my experience. Maybe the different chapters in other regions acted differently.
Back in the day, the passage rate of Cap A & B would not have varied relative to who taught the class. :)
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