When I was an REO asset manager, we had one house that was really hard to get rid of because of location and some external obsolescence. Finally found a buyer, and the appraiser (FHA loan) called out a trip hazard because there was a transition strip between two rooms (one carpet, one hardwood). So yes, it got strip stipped for trips. (sorry). Took a lot of work to keep that deal together, our regular handyman that worked on the bank's REO homes was on vacation for 2 weeks, and so on and so on.
There is just part of me that would love to know why FHA or any lender gives a rip about stuff like that? They aren't liable. And we know they don't REALLY care about the individual's safety. It certainly isn't a value issue. Or maybe they do--are they asking if the borrowers wore their seat belts on the way to the closing?