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Concurrent Use?

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Confirmed today by Alamode you cannot have the program running on two computers even if they are not used simultaneously. I have a new computer which is used only as a backup for comp photos and I have to delete Alamode off it. No other appraisal software company that I'm aware of does this, so sad. Lesson is if your starting out use something other then Alamode.
I don't know about that. Been with a la mode since 1996. They always allowed installation on one desktop along with one laptop. YMMV.
I have been using Clickforms since it came out. Used it's predecessor prior to that. You can install it on as many devices as you want. It is a per License software. Not per device. Only your name will appear on any form. If you have more than one licensed appraiser in your office that signs appraisals. Each would need their own subscription. They do offer multi license discounts for three or more appraisers in same office

I ran into the same problem with them recently. The workaround is to ensure that you don't have Total open on two machines at the same time. If you're on your desktop, make sure Total is closed on your laptop. If you're heading out into the field with your laptop, make sure to close Total on your desktop before you leave your office. Your license allows you to have Total installed on multiple devices for your own use, but you're not allowed to have it open on multiple devices at the same time.
Not sure why you would need multiple computers. I do have it on two computers, but the second one I never use, and is ONLY set up as a backup if the main computer goes out. Periodic backups will give me my complete database (reports, clients, comp database, etc.).

Sounds like you have a cloud set up for several computers working on the same report. May work for you, but I like doing my reports on one computer.

I, like Dublin, use Clickforms. 100+ computers, 100+ software, 1 appraiser, 1 price.
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