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CRMLS--How to search for ALL properties within zzz feet of the subject

The choices, it appears (if your public records don't have the necessary function) is to either manually type each address into a list, or to dump the public records into a GIS program. QGIS is a free program almost certain to be capable of selecting a circle with a 660 foot radius centered on your subject and outputting a list in an Excel spreadsheet or other formats. The rub is that getting public records exported and read into a GIS software will be a chore if doing any or all steps for the first time.
But properties never listed wouldnt have any status...but I just watched a You Tube video about Realist mapping. The client needs all properties within 660 feet to send letters announcing plans for a liquor license.
The title company.. your a Reator just call customer service or contact your sales rep and tell them what you want But you want addresses not sales comparables but geez anyone buying a liquor store should be able to do this.
Whenever a building in SF has any new addition or major changes, owners within a certain radius are notified so they can voice their complaints at set meeting time and place.
I get letters all the time not only in SF. Wonder what program they use to notified nearby owners.
Your local zoning department or county assessors office should be able to supply the mailing address of all property owners within zzz feet of your subject. Go in and ask for the GIS manager.
How bout instead of a stipend I say u provided professional assistance? Try to buy a beer with that kudo!!!!! But I do appreciate your advice and would surely compensate you although my license renewal, E&O rewal, ACI renewal, registration renewals for 2 AMGs, Valentine gift of new breasteses for the love of my life whose trying to determine if at 43 years of age i might be too old for her [hush hush that I'm actually Seventy-threr, 3500 a month for a small apt in Orange County, CA, though I aint even seen the Pacific Ocean in like 23 years, botox to remediate facial wrinkles on a face long past the end of its useful life expectancy, $75 today for a damn 75 mile RT drive to an assignment, incalculable opportunity cost for time lost worrying about pending Oncology therapy, tuition expenses foe courses required to comprehend insight from GH and Alebrewer, cost of illicit street drigs needed to address the daily edge, what a long strange trip, indeed [but like Brando mumblef in Last Tango, "I'm still a prettu good stick man."
Brain too full of Faulker, Kerouac, Nabokov
Whenever a building in SF has any new addition or major changes, owners within a certain radius are notified so they can voice their complaints at set meeting time and place.
I get letters all the time not only in SF. Wonder what program they use to notified nearby owners.
I was able to obtain information about the Realist map searching functionality, provided by CRMLS customer support. The report that I provided the client was comprised of 1-line data about all pertinent properties within 660 ft.
The choices, it appears (if your public records don't have the necessary function) is to either manually type each address into a list, or to dump the public records into a GIS program. QGIS is a free program almost certain to be capable of selecting a circle with a 660 foot radius centered on your subject and outputting a list in an Excel spreadsheet or other formats. The rub is that getting public records exported and read into a GIS software will be a chore if doing any or all steps for the first time.
Couple of years ago when I thought about learning Python, several AF members advised me that it is an entry-level programming language that probably could do "anything" I ever needed. For example, I copy/past the CRMLS marketing narrative for every comp into the SCA addendum, doing so one property at a time, although hoping for a program that could capture that info and paste it into ACI automatically. Another foiled objective of mine....
You might find the attached .xlsx file handy. You need to rename it from DistanceFrom_RenameTo_xlsx.txt to DistanceFrom.xlsx.

Put the subject longitude and latitude in the first row and as many other comps below it as you want, and it will compute the distance to the subject.


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