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Deal Nears to Curb Home-Appraisal Abuse, Coumo, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

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This whole thing is going to be a boon to the AMC's of the world...get ready for $200 appraisal fees.....and the cost to the customer will go up big time....

Now every tom dick and harry will now be a AMC owner...

Maybe we should take this forum with our nationwide appraisers list, charge 100 per year to be a member and set up a nation wide list of appraisers,,,I bet we can cover the entire country....

Full fee only. paid in advance....

There is one thing for sure that is gonna happen out of this whole deal...

The average appraiser is gonna get screwed...BIG TIME..WATCH..:new_2gunsfiring_v1:
Bob Murphy, the chairman and chief executive of ValuAmerica Inc., a Pittsburgh vendor management company, said Fannie is trying to implement changes that the industry tried unsuccessfully to adopt 20 years ago, before the savings and loan crisis.

"The separation between appraisers and lenders has not occurred," he said. "The industry found itself in a situation where brokers and loan originators influenced appraisers to get higher property values."

Most vendor management companies do not conduct appraisals themselves, but there may still be an inherent conflict, Mr. Murphy said. "The nuance is that if you're a wholly owned vendor management company, then you owe allegiance to your owners."

Absolutely correct. He forgot to add - and many leading AMCs exert just as much pressure as do MB or more!

Bill Garber, the director of government affairs at the Appraisal Institute, a trade group of appraisers, raised concerns about Fannie's expanded role in creating a clearing house of appraiser information.

"This would appear to place Fannie Mae in an appraiser regulatory role, and appraisers are already regulated," he said. "The clearing house concept seems to add a layer of bureaucracy and could subvert the current structure."

Mr. Garber said the Fannie deal would not solve the issue of "appraisal coercion," which he blamed largely on mortgage brokers for pressuring appraisers to inflate property values.

But he also chastised lenders and vendor managers for not hiring qualified appraisers and choosing "those that hit the numbers to get a deal done" instead. "Whenever you can insert protection for appraisal independence, we think that's a good thing," Mr. Garber said, and he would like to see more details of the proposed changes.


Mr. Schurman said even though brokers have received plenty of criticism for pressuring appraisers, there still is no clear definition of what constitutes illegal pressure.

His trade group defines inappropriate client pressure as "bribery, coercion, and extortion."

TRIPLE BULLSEYE MR. SCHURMAN. The only ones who refuse to understand those terms are the individuals and companies bribing, coercing, and extorting Ethical Appraisers and financially rewarding Unethical, Incompents in direct violation of existing Federal Laws, OCC, OTS, FDIC, and Federal Bank & Mortgage ** AND NOW HUD/FHA *** Regulations, and State Banking, Mortgage Lending, Consumer Lending, and Appraisal Laws.
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Here is another article I just read in the American Banker. Looks like the appraisal industry is being used as a pawn in the Wamu/Eappraiseit suit and Fannie is trying to pacify the law.

Fannie Seen Near Deal on Appraisals with Cuomo
By EMAIL="Rob.Blackwell@sourcemedia.com"]Rob Blackwell[/EMAIL]

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My favorite qoute is by Jeff Schurman, the executive director of the Title/Appraisal Vendor Management Association

"many captive appraisal management companies outsource the task of performing appraisals instead of doing it themselves"

Sounds like there are companies out there that don't know how it's done by those appraiser thigamajiggers we just capture them and putem to work:rof:
An AMC is caught participating in inflating appraisals, so let's make sure all appraisals go through AMCs. :huh:

That ranks right up there with busing kids all over creation to solve the problem of a kid not being allowed to attend the school closest to his house. Our government at work. :rof:
Would this not make thousands of "eAppraiseIT's".Holy cow , I need to find another vocation.This smacks of socialism.Oh never mine , most Americans love Socialism till the bill comes due.The government cheese is about to the hit the fan along with $2,000 Gold and $4 Gas...
Cumo Fannie Freddie - deal detail would affect us all

Supposedly – Following language is in this deal:

"2. Requiring as part of our reps and warrants, and as a precondition of the sale of any mortgage to Fannie Mae, that LENDERS not rely on appraisals provided by brokers, either for purchase transactions or refinancing transactions."

Someone's Comment: "This would, in effect, require lenders to always secure their own appraisal of any property purchased through a broker."


Cuomo Near Deal On Home Appraisals
Fannie, Freddie Figure in Plan
by Carrie Johnson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, February 27, 2008; Page D01
New York Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo is in advanced negotiations with housing finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac over a deal designed to stamp out conflicts of interest that have produced inflated mortgage appraisals, according to officials involved in the talks.

At its core, the deal would bar lending companies that sell loans to Fannie and Freddie from using preferred or internal appraisers who may be subject to pressure to overvalue properties. The deal would establish a "home valuation protection code" to set standards on compensation and independence issues, and it would create an institute with a separate board of directors to monitor complaints from consumers and appraisers, according to documents described to The Washington Post by a source not authorized to speak publicly about the issues.

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No matter what the language, I don't see how the GSE's can know or enforce an appraisal roster where the lender or its agent picks the appraiser who has a bias in favor of the lender, the one who picks.

I suppose if you are monitoring, say a local bank, and they have one approved appraisal firm with 10 appraisers, you would notice after months that the same appraiser names are repeating. So? Expand the list to 20 appraisers. Again, repeat appraiser names.
AMCs compete, but what are they competing about???

How many loans are closed using their appraisals!?!?!!!!!
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