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Deal Nears to Curb Home-Appraisal Abuse, Coumo, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

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"Home appraisals would have to come from assessors that do not have formal ties with a lender or mortgage broker, according to sources familiar with negotiations over a deal that could be finalized as soon as Tuesday.

Two items -

- The term "assessors" not appraisers? Is this on purpose to cover BPOs, AVMS, Zaio or is it a loop hole?

- Formal Ties - If I am on a fee panel for a lender is that a formal tie? If so, then only appraisers signed up with independent AMCs can be used.

Seems to me that this give a big boost to the AMC control of appraisers :(
You can get the complete article at americanbanker.com,
the third article.
Wait until someone figures out how to make appraisers pay for the clearing house.
How does that affect eApp? Are they owned by a lender? WAMU has dropped their in-house, who else still has it? World doesn't sell to Fannie do they? Seems like it affects Landsafe the most unless I'm reading it wrong.
Just In from American Banker "Cuomo"

American Banker reported today that Fannie Mae has issued a memo to lenders concerning significant changes to its appraisal policy in an effort to strike a deal with New York Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo. According to the American Banker article, “The government-sponsored enterprise [Fannie Mae] has told lenders that, as of Sept. 1, it will not buy loans from originators that use in-house appraisers to value properties. Fannie also said it will forbid lenders to rely on any appraisal obtained by a broker and will create a clearinghouse of appraiser information, conduct, and activity.”
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"Fannie also said it will forbid lenders to rely on any appraisal obtained by a broker"

What exactly does that mean? I only have a couple of clients left and both are brokers. Above board brokers, by the way. Am I out of business as of Sept. 1 if I do not find new work?

Another link that doesn't require registration.

Fannie and Freddie would prohibit lenders they work with from hand-picking or using in-house appraisers, to curb potential conflicts of interest. The two also would agree not to buy loans from lenders who used appraisals by wholly owned subsidiaries, according to a person familiar with the matter.

As Letterman would say, "Is this anything?"

Edit: Duplicate thread, started earlier by Pam, here http://appraisersforum.com/showthread.php?t=134676
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I hate that when some beats me to a story.

I yield to Pam her post is more informative.

Thank you Steve H. & for all those potatoes!
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