"Even when adjustments are supported by comparable data, the adjustment process and the indicated values should reflect judgment. Small inaccuracies can be compounded when several adjustments are added or multiplied, and thus seemingly precise arithmetic conclusions derived from adjusted data might contradict the appraiser’s judgment. The sales comparison approach is not formulaic. It does not lend itself to detailed mathematical precision. Rather, it is based on judgment and experience as much as quantitative analysis." Appraisal of RE
I find myself quoting this more and more as some attempt to assert appraisal dominance by data 100% of the time, down to the dime, with no understanding or "judgement" from the user of the data necessary. Just ask the guy who adjusts all of his comps to within 1/10 of a cent and claims everyone else is below his IQ. Btw, I don't disagree with the notion that more data can help produce more reliable results. Rural and complex appraisal often leaves the appraiser groveling for more data, if only there was some.