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Does Minimum Wage Increase Help Or Hurt The Appraisal Business?

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You are a representative of your snowflake constituency. Are you ashamed of that or proud? Are you ashamed that you have achieved above the expectations of your "deserved level" and how do you make reparations? Why didn't you just sit back and wait on success to come to you? What are you. some sort of capitalist pig?

Oink Oink I guess I am!
You are a representative of your snowflake constituency. Are you ashamed of that or proud? Are you ashamed that you have achieved above the expectations of your "deserved level" and how do you make reparations? Why didn't you just sit back and wait on success to come to you? What are you. some sort of capitalist pig?

I'll answer for real this time- ( and perhaps you can answer the questions I asked you in my post )."

1) Proud though I don't consider myself a "snowflake"- you divide people into cartoon like extreme belief political camps, most people have a mix of beliefs no matter their vote, if you bothered to talk to them rather than hurl labels at them/make assumptions

2) None of the democrats or snowflakes hold the belief the RW pundits invented about them, about deserving levels and everyone should get paid the same etc. YOU guys invented that we have that belief, we do not. Simply raising the min wage does not mean we believe everyone should earn the same .

3) Obvious I wanted to earn a higher income , did you need to ask that? Since many of your conservative beliefs work at min wage and low wage jobs, are they too lazy to succeed, or are they working at the capacity they have, and under paid relative to cost of living? If they are young and using a min wage job as a stepping stone, could it help if they make a better wage to save for future/ able to pay tuition for a trade school or AA degree /college courses to escape a low wage cycle?

4) It may shock you since you apparently either never talk to them,, but democrats or what you call "liberals" are typically capitalists, they just may hold different views about certain things and govt spending/effective programs.

The difference between us on this is I fail to see how a min wage worker getting a raise pulls me down, means I earn less, or would make me resentful about them since I was able to achieve more.. how does their rising up a bit pull me down? Some of them have it in them to leave min wage work behind and some may not, but I fail to see how under paying them makes my achievement shine brighter. I could have done a lot better for myself btw...
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The difference between us on this is I fail to see how a min wage worker getting a raise pulls me down, means I earn less, or would make me resentful about them since I was able to achieve more.. how does their rising up a bit pull me down?

Doesn't diminishing your buying power pull you down?
Could you please reply to post # 82?
"George Hatch, post: 2896378, member: 66065"]I strongly disagree.

When social status is measured in terms of wealth or possessions then that's absolutely an expression of competition. When 2 applicants for renting an apartment are competing with each other for the unit and one is capable of paying $25/month more in rent than the other that is most definitely an expression of competition. Competition in the market is why you shop for goods and services in part on price. And there's nothing inherently wrong or evil about you doing that - it's simply normal human behavior.

I agree. But no matter how we measure ourselves, ( I make more than that person but less than that person), what we earn will pay for only so much and min wage does not pay for basic living in many areas. it is about nothing more than that. s.

The idea that "money is no object" is a cruel hoax that's perpetuated by the medical miracle-of-the-week dramas they play on prime time TV. IRL money does matter, costs are a barrier to getting everything we want, and people do compete with each other in order to improve their quality of life.

Agree.. However, people compete with each other within their own economic sphere and their own profession,, they don't compete with people outside it. I compete with other appraisers and so do you. Neither you nor I compete with heart surgeons making a million a year and we don't compete with a fast food server making 18k a year. We can compare ourselves to them but we do not compete with them.

Simply put, the more valuable workers can and arguably should generate more income than the lower skilled workers. They should enjoy the 30% "higher' lifestyle as a reward for the additional time and effort and luck and personal connections or whatever it is that qualified them for that increased income. None of this can be said for the minimum wage worker who has yet to prove that additional value to their employers. Not even you are talking about giving them the raise on the basis of merit or qualifications or performance, but strictly on the basis of need

Agree, more valuable/higher skill workers should earn more income than lower skill. But where I differ from you is making that a % relative to a min wage workers, as if I earned 30% more than them and they get a raise , now I earn only 25% more than them- so what? I am not now earning less because they earn more. If I was making $20 an hour before they got a raise and the day after the min wage rose I still make $20 an hour,

The value of lower min wage workers can not be increased by anything those workers do within those jobs, to increase earnings they have to leave that job behind. Which people do no matter the base level of min wage. Which still leaves the question then of what that base level pay is, which is set by law. When many voters feel that level is too low, the voters raise the value of that level..

That is why nearly every nation around the world has a are min wage law or collective bargaining system in place.
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Doesn't diminishing your buying power pull you down?

It would , but it rarely works that way, any diminished in buying power wold take place slowly and by then my own earnings or wages would increase commensurate. And a min wage increase can also boost economy by those folks having purchasing power now so it can mean my own earnings can go up due to that, it is not a simple they go up I go down formula though RW interest groups spin it that way.
Why are you a small business owner instead of a staff appraiser?

I like the freedom and in good years I can earn more, I also have the freedom to cut back hours and earn less, if I value my time more than the $ ). Has nothing to do with the min wage question I answered it because you asked me to.
It would , but it rarely works that way, any diminished in buying power wold take place slowly and by then my own earnings or wages would increase commensurate

Which will put the minimum wage earner right back where they were.

You seem to be focused on income or wages when the real monetary issue is buying power. Buying power is regulated by the market, not by legislation.
Which will put the minimum wage earner right back where they were.

You seem to be focused on income or wages when the real monetary issue is buying power. Buying power is regulated by the market, not by legislation.

Sorry buddy you are wrong, buying power is related to how much we earn, otherwise nobody would want to work much would they...fast food workers work 40-60 hours a week same # of hourse as a higher paid worker so it is not that they are lazy sitting around waiting for a hand out. The reality is that at the base min wage level, it is legislation hat the min wage is set.- nearly every nation in the world has a min wage or collective bargaining law because of that. Legislation is part of "the market", unless you choose to live in a lawless state , which turns out are are run by thugs/corrupt..

Where does the erroneous idea originate "the market" exists outside of law and policy when it is false? Meanwhile corporate interests are busy lobbying govt for laws and polices favorable to their interests in the market!

Below is (relative to their nation cost of living ) to show that nations have a min wage or collective bargain in place. and thus a nation's laws are part of the market

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You make 40K,, your favorite activity (whatever it may be) costs 8% more this than last. What happened to your buying power of that activity?
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