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DSL internet speed

Which is faster?

  • DSL

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cable modem

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I spoke to Sw Bell tech support. They told me that 326/98 was the best I could get in my area and I should be happy with that. I am not. I dumped them. I had charter cable installed Saturday. I just did a test an it gave me 1430/369. Pretty good, but I noticed it fluctuates quite often and will bog down often. any suggestions?

Some fine tuning internally can tweak your speeds a little. I am no pro so can't even tell you where to start! Some of the 'bogging' is external and cannot be cured/must be endured, unless/until you can get a better system. Cable is notoriously subject to overload slowdowns :(

You might ask your tech folks at the cable company about the issue, as I understand that they can tweak some things internally at their end which might help your speed... but first you have to get to a "senior techhie. who cares" the combination of which may be a little tough :roll: . To get them to do this I think it helps to have time of day info to hand them....

Congrats on more than tripling your upload, and better than quadrupling your downloads, that at least has to feel better!
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