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EDI or die?

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I'm spoiled and just love sending reports via EDI. The V.A. forced me in to it kicking and screaming and now that's all I want to do. But, my Comcast modem won't allow me to send a file over 2MB and that's a big problem for Conventional reports. Lenders don't like opening up 2 e-mails and patching the report together. In addition, I discovered from Comcast last night that I'm limited to 300MB/month per Comcast account. I personally don't think they should be setting up such a rule since I never know when I get up in the morning if the e-mail will be working. For instance, right now it's down. Yahoo limits an e-mail to 1.5MB and I believe other e-mail accounts may be similar. This business is a challange in more ways than one!
Charlotte in Delaware
I make a pdf copy of every report and am almost entirely paperless. I find that the lenders that demand paper copies from me are the ones that are least swift and more prone to stupid underwriting requirements, beat you up to inflate values and other retarded lender behavior. Why would they demand paper from me when electronic ordering and delivery saves time, saves paper and gives them as many hard copies as their little hearts desire? Electronic order and delivery saves THEM the precious turnaround time the want, why would they NOT want to do it :lol:

Electronic order and delivery saves THEM the precious turnaround time the want, why would they NOT want to do it :lol:

I have been told because they don't have a color printer in their office!! Can you belive that one?
80% paper and 20% PDF/EDI - most clients don't want to spend the money to upgrade; we can go either way, are ready & willing; also 95% is CAD (collect at door)- we are a cash flow business - Our motto; No Pay / No Play 8)
75% paper, 25% EDI,Am going more and more to pay at the door. Wade
I am almost 100% paperless.....I can not remember the last time I printed a report for a lender on paper. I wish i could have forseen that trend when i bought the HP2000C printer....I would have bought a MUCH cheaper color printer.

Yes to those that ask, MY reports are ALWAYS secured.
I am also about 50-50. I do occasional rural properties for LSI and now they also accept pdf which is great compared to the previous version of faxing them soft copy, then waiting for approval to mail out hard copy. I have refused to buy Litehouse and always will. There is nothing wrong with pdf and there never will be. PDF is secure. At least it cant be scanned and data-mined like Litehouse. Thats what I tell then all when they say that Litehouse is secure. Nobody will have my digital signature on file to use at their discretion and call it secure.

About 75% EDI for me and I love it. One client insisted they couldn't do EDI because they needed a paper copy, I told them to simply "print one!". Their response was priceless...."OH".
50/50 right now. One customer wants a $5 discount to cover his costs. I'm still thinking about it.
I printed less than 10 reports for mailing to clients last year. One client has only one color printer so I send the photos to one e-mail address and the remainder of the report to another address. It is a terrific time, paper, ink and MONEY saver for me. PDF is a terrific way to print the report in any manner the appraiser desires.
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