Deleted member 130081
I am no fan of Fannie, but even I know that they use an exposure draft process and solicit feedback in their process. Besides which, nothing prevents any appraiser from picking up a phone or sending an email. It's not like Fannie's staff works within a Cone of Silence. IMO, Fannie doesn't make the choices they make because they somehow don't know what appraisers want - they make their choices *despite* what the appraisers want. As you would expect of any other banking entity.
The major appraisal orgs all predate The Appraisal Foundation and USPAP. The AGA has been around for at least 20 years that I know of. I've been on this forum for many years and have seen MANY forum participants propose organizing. I've been personally involved with a couple of those efforts myself, and got nothing but criticism for it because everyone wants to be their own ARMY OF ONE.
But hey, if there's anything I can do for your efforts to organize then just let me know. Except lie for you. I won't do that.
I'll tell you exactly what you can do. Stop being a poo poo pants when it comes to the idea of organizing, and start using your smarts and hard work to influence others, as you are skilled in doing. All past efforts have failed. That does not mean future efforts are doomed too. The truth is George, organization is the industries only hope of ever being anything more than a tool for special interests. I know you are smart enough to see what we really are, which is a marketing tool to sell loans to consumers, and again to investors on the back end. Quality and risk assessment have never been the purpose, while selling confidence always has been. Follow the money and look at the actions taken, all of these support this truth. And for the final act and role, the appraiser plays the scapegoat. The truth is, we could do much better at protecting the public than we do. The truth is, until we organize, the special interests will dictate the process, which will mean the outcome of what we are, and what we are not. So no, I don't want you to lie, I want you to spread the truth. That truth is, organization is the only path that makes any bit of sense and if we never get there we have failed, but we should never stop working towards it, for all the right reasons. Wouldn't it be great if when we called ourselves Independent Fee Appraisers, that actually meant what it implies?
There are many appraisal organizations already out there. They are all fragmented from each other, and many are influenced by special interests. Membership for all is low. Appraisers need to first wise up to the idea of organizing. Then they need to actually take the step and join. Then the organizations that are out there now either need to join forces, or dissolve to make way for something better. The resulting successful organization will need to have a critical mass of membership of about 50% or so, and be free of any and all special interests - for us, by us. It's not a pipe dream. There are organizations just like that all over in all sorts of industries - no reinventing the wheel here, heck it might be easier than ever in today's digital/social world. But, it only happens if appraisers first decide they are going to make it happen. So, stop talking poo and start spreading the solution. Every second every person on this forum wastes arguing issues they have no control over is time lost. Best to shift all energy to the first and critical step.