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FEMA Flood Map Link Also Census Tract Numbers Online

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Thanks for the web site. Great help :D
Anyone still having trouble getting flood maps? I have been since Thursday.
It seems the Map Search function goes down sometimes and it's frustrating . It's down today 4/11/2003

Try this link through the Catalog. Put in your state, county and town and click on #4...the map panels will come up for viewing. Looks like there's more than one way to access the flood maps when a map server is down.


Thanks Ben. One thing I've noticed that seems to help is to go to your area and drop and drag until the FIRM maps become visible.

Then go and put in your address. It usually works this way.
I have updated the link for the first post to:


After you enter your address when it gives you the results, click the green button to view the map.

It worked fine just now when I tried it.
For some reason, on some days, the US map in the pop up window does not come up and you can't go any further in your flood map search...so if that happens, the link I posted gets around the pop-up map and lets you search the flood maps directly.

I was going crazy today. I had a rush appraisal to get out and couldn't get into the flood maps at all because the stupid map of the United States wouldn't load. Going through the catalog section, got me in.

So... if the map viewer doesn't work, the other one will. Actually, if you have a dial-up connection (jtrotta are you listening??? :yellowblack: ), it may be faster to go through the catalog section than to wait for the map to load.....

I have been attempting to access the FEMA Floodmap section (all the links posted on this thread) and it is not connecting? Any suggestions? I have AOL and dialup service and I have been using MS Internet Explorer as the browser to view.
Need to get a few reports out and the last thing that I need to enter to finish is the FEMA floodmap info. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Looks like it's down for maintenance. I tried the links and to access from the FEMA site directly with no luck either.

Thanks Ben,

If you see that is comes back up could you pls let us know (that goes for any appraisers out there...that are using FEMA's site for Floodmap data...pls let us know when its online again!) Thanks.
I see the map panel, where do I see date and flood zone?
Thanks, Moe
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