Designation of Special Flood Hazard Areas
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) determines Special Flood Hazard Areas
nationwide, (SFHA). FEMA issues Flood Hazard Boundary Maps to designate these areas in a
community. A special flood hazard may be designated as Zone A, AO, AH, Al-30, AE, A99, VO
or Vl-30, VE or V.
o Only those properties within zones 'A' and 'V' require flood insurance.
o Zones 'B' or 'C' do not require flood insurance because FEMA designates only zones ‘A'
and 'V' as "Special Flood Hazard Areas. "
An appraisal report with a positive indication in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) activates a
commitment requirement for flood insurance coverage. The appraiser must quantify the effect on
value, if any, for properties within a designated flood map.
A lender shall reject a property in any of these circumstances:
o if the property is subject to frequently recurring flooding
o if there is any potential hazard to life or safety
o if escape to higher ground would not be feasible during severe flooding conditions