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First In Series - Ivpi Q&a #1

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I salute those that have tried to put together a very good piece of workmanship. However I hope your not all to disappointed, when you find that the answer to the problem, was already taken care of, prior to the announcement that there was a problem.
There's nothing wrong with profit. We're just proposing that the appraisers who are doing the work should keep as much of their profits as possible. As in, all of it.
I'm a "for-profit" enterprise. Pretty much every other appraiser I know is a "for-profit" enterprise. How do you plan to fix that?

Oh, interesting link here about the integrity of non-profit organizations.


IVPI Q&A #1,
Answer 2:
Per existing Regulatory Guidelines recommending the Lender

pay the Fee, the IVPI proposal requires the Lender to pay the Appraisal Fee, and IVPI’s processing surcharge, at the time of order.

The appraisal fee will be held in escrow and paid immediately via electronic payment to the Appraiser upon IVPI’s receipt of the completed report.

I agree with that George. I just think some have a mistaken opinion of the supposed superior ethics or lower costs of a non-profit organization. People within the organization will still need to be paid, equipment will need to be purchased and maintained, benefits will need to provided. I mean do all these people shouting "Hallelujah! Our Savior is here!" really think that there will be no costs associated with the land, labor, or capital associated with any organization? This myth that is being shoved down our throats by some exalted ones who are clearly already intoxicated with the powerful drug of perceived power is sickening.

My business is just fine; I don't need anyone telling me how to run it or spoonfeeding me work. I don't operate unethically or incompetently. I don't need someone with a perceived higher sense of ethics charging me with misconduct because I decide to perform a desktop appraisal at no cost because they, in their infinite knowledge of USPAP, which exceeds even the knowledge of the entity which created USPAP, decides that such an action is punishible by professional death.

Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Therein lies my concern.

Those who would give up freedom for security deserve neither. I believe Mr. Franklin stated that.
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With regard to question #4:

Question 4: I successfully built my appraisal practice from a solo office into an
Appraiser Fee Shop during the past 30 years. The IVPI proposal requiring
Individual Appraiser approval appears to present a major problem for my
customers and Appraisers, and me. While no specifics were included in the Concept Proposal, my consideration of the IVPI proposal MUST be based on the answer to the following Core

Does the IVPI proposed appraisal ordering system allow for Company
Assignments to be assigned to Staff or IC Appraisers by the Owner or not? I
am very confused and at this point find the absence of specifics on this
element reason enough NOT to endorse the IVPI Proposal. I invite the
Committee to change my thinking. Thanks.

Answer 4: Under the IVPI Proposal all qualified Appraisers are urged to apply for Panel Membership. The appraisal ordering process will allow for coordination of assignments and billing to companies or individual Appraisers; an approved Panel Members must inspect the interior/exterior of the subject and exterior of the comparable sales. Only an IVPI approved Appraiser can perform the appraisal; the only exception being a Trainee or equivalent, working under the IVPI Appraiser’s direct personal supervision.
Unapproved Appraisers cannot inspect the subject property and/or sales independently.

So if I have a staff of certified appraisers (not trainees); we cover five counties but each appraiser within the company covers a much smaller area. An order comes in for "johnny appraiser". It is not in his specific area BUT is within the coverage area of the office. Do I read the line "only an IVPI approved appraiser can perform the appraisal" mean that I as the office manger can therefore re-assign the order to another IVPI approved appraiser within my office ?

And regarding the rotation system: Say the universe of appraisers consists of Appraisers A, B, C and D. Appraisers A, B and C work for themselves but Appraiser D has 10 State-Certified Appraisers on staff. All 14 appraisers are IVPI approved . The first order goes to appraiser A, second to B, third to C.....

Question: Do orders 4 thru 14 ALL go to the shop of appraiser D, since he has the next 11 appraisers in the system ?? If not, why not

If so, is Appraiser D allowed to assign or re-assign orders 4 thru 14 to his staff appraisers in a way that is most efficient in terms of territory location, speciality, etc., since the only stipulation per answer #4 is that the appraisal be completed by an approved IVPI member.
I salute those that have tried to put together a very good piece of workmanship. However I hope your not all to disappointed, when you find that the answer to the problem, was already taken care of, prior to the announcement that there was a problem.

And by that you mean AMC's? :shrug:
I agree with that George. I just think some have a mistaken opinion of the supposed superior ethics or lower costs of a non-profit organization. People within the organization will still need to be paid, equipment will need to be purchased and maintained, benefits will need to provided. I mean do all these people shouting "Hallelujah! Our Savior is here!" really think that there will be no costs associated with the land, labor, or capital associated with any organization? This myth that is being shoved down our throats by some exalted ones who are clearly already intoxicated with the powerful drug of perceived power is sickening.

My business is just fine; I don't need anyone telling me how to run it or spoonfeeding me work. I don't operate unethically or incompetently. I don't need someone with a perceived higher sense of ethics charging me with misconduct because I decide to perform a desktop appraisal at no cost because they, in their infinite knowledge of USPAP, which exceeds even the knowledge of the entity which created USPAP, decides that such an action is punishible by professional death.

Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Therein lies my concern.

Those who would give up freedom for security deserve neither. I believe Mr. Franklin stated that.

Totally agree. It's like people can't find the word "No" in their dictionary. I've been solicited a ton of times to come up with a whacky value and I just say "No". By weeding through the bad MBs and grooming a clientele of honest MBs, I have managed to put together a frighteningly successful business over 16 years. I just want to keep doing things the way that I've been doing them. I can survive the Skippies and the low-ballers and even the AMCs, but if you take away my clients and the goodwill I've built up over the years, I'm dead. If they would pass a law that lenders MUST verify income & credit history and that borrowers MUST read their loan documents, I think we would not be in the "Mortgage Crisis" that we're in now.


Totally agree. It's like people can't find the word "No" in their dictionary. I've been solicited a ton of times to come up with a whacky value and I just say "No". By weeding through the bad MBs and grooming a clientele of honest MBs, I have managed to put together a frighteningly successful business over 16 years. I just want to keep doing things the way that I've been doing them. I can survive the Skippies and the low-ballers and even the AMCs, but if you take away my clients and the goodwill I've built up over the years, I'm dead. If they would pass a law that lenders MUST verify income & credit history and that borrowers MUST read their loan documents, I think we would not be in the "Mortgage Crisis" that we're in now.



America may not be able to survive the "skippies", lowballers and the AMCs. Had they not been in the mix ... we wouldnt be where we are. Give things a chance.
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