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For Dave/matt Biggars [re: Total]

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Junior Member
Jun 15, 2007
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Please inbox me... I'm a frustrated customer and really would welcome the opportunity to speak or communicate directly with you.

Been in contact with customer service - numerous times - over a year and half period without any changes/improvements or resolution.

While I appreciate enhancements/new improvements that are regularly made to TOTAL -- the product remains deficient in that:

1) the MLS importer remains imperfect/defective - as the importer does not work with all forms, not all fields can be matched, and/or the importer [itself] hides or omits fields -- thus, preventing correct field mapping (your prob already aware of this) & limiting the ability to use this tool; and

2) the field mapping within reports (specifically - regarding REO, listing & rent survey addendums) is incorrect - i.e. key data fields are linked from the photo pages rather than thru the report pages themselves; this creates mis-populated report fields when linking or importing data from excel spreadsheets [within the report] - especially when the data field is updated or a data change occurs

As a result, the TOTAL product is deficient; I've suggested some work-arounds to customer service [particularly item #2- using existing report templates, re-saving them as new ones, and then re-toggling the fields -> taking 30 mins or less to do] - but none have been implemented.

While new enhancements to TOTAL are nice... wouldn't it make sense to FIX what we're all already paying for in the first place? It's like paying for 200 cable channels but only able to access 120 channels... and these items are critical to maximize data-processing/importing efficiencies

Thank you in advance for your response!
IMO Why would they fix that when the make money from datamaster import. They want you to pay the extra $85 a month to import.
IMO Why would they fix that when the make money from datamaster import. They want you to pay the extra $85 a month to import.
sounds like grounds for a class-action lawsuit?? not providing the services you're actually paying for, then doing a bait-and-switch
This is not a class action type of deal- Attorneys only take very few class action lawsuits where there is big money because most are on contingency basis and appraisers have no money-- No offense to the original poster but I doubt he could get 5 appraisers to get on that train. Let's see 5 appraisers each throw in $50.00 Yup that will do it : LOL
I don't use it so I'll just have a beer and watch the mainly empty bandwagon roll on by........
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