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Forum Software Upgraded

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Adding a "Dislike" option along with Like & Reply ?
I like the "Dislike" idea. After so many "Lump of Coal" points someone receives, they can be voted off the island...:whistle:
Can the "jump to forum" function be put back in?
Can the "jump to forum" function be put back in?

I don't know what you mean, it sounds like something in the old software.

Try the "quick nav" menu. Click the arrow on the below the menu bar that points up and to the right at an angle.
Yeah that sort of works. Not as convenient as the older version (a drop down on the lower right that listed all the forums.)
Yeah that sort of works. Not as convenient as the older version (a drop down on the lower right that listed all the forums.)

Well this one is at the lower right also (as well as the upper right)
Once again, a dark blue line outlining the posts. My poor old tired eyes just cannot see the extremely pale blue.
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