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GLA Bracketing Requirments

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Sophomore Member
Mar 11, 2022
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Does the GLA have to be bracketed in the first three comps? If the subject is 1,000 sf and the first three comps are all below 1,000 and Comp#4 is above 1,000 sf, is that ok?
Not a requirement of USPAP. FHA suggests it. Fannie doesn't say anything about it if I recall correctly.
There is no requirement to bracket GLA as far as I know. That said, when GLA is not bracketed, it makes demonstration of support for the GLA adjustment factor more challenging. Shouldn't matter what position the 'bracketed' comp holds...
There is no requirement to bracket GLA as far as I know. That said, when GLA is not bracketed, it makes demonstration of support for the GLA adjustment factor more challenging. Shouldn't matter what position the 'bracketed' comp holds...
Thank you. I have been debating this issue with my former mentor for years now. He is conviced that GLA should be bracketed in the first three positions of the appraisal, I disagree, as long as it is bracketed somewhere within adjustment grid.
Thank you. I have been debating this issue with my former mentor for years now. He is conviced that GLA should be bracketed in the first three positions of the appraisal, I disagree, as long as it is bracketed somewhere within adjustment grid.
I occasionally have a subject that is not bracketed by recent, reasonably comparable sales, but its size is within the range defined by the sales included in my regression model, which is the basis for my adjustment. I simply state those facts in the report and have yet to be questioned about it. As far as where it has to be in the comp grid, I have never seen it stated beyond your post. Based on my experience, and existing requirements I am aware of, it doesn't need to be in the grid at all. Most requirements for bracketing I have ever seen suggest that if it cannot be done, commentary is required.
Thank you. I have been debating this issue with my former mentor for years now. He is conviced that GLA should be bracketed in the first three positions of the appraisal, I disagree, as long as it is bracketed somewhere within adjustment grid.
There are many times when I bracket features with a 4th or even 5th comp. Especially when doing rural
If within 5% difference, I wouldn't worry because of margin of error.
However if significantly different higher or lower, I would add a 4th comp to bracket GLA.
Normally I don't like to bracket sales price but I would bracket GLA difference because I want to get more similar size comps.
Thank you. I have been debating this issue with my former mentor for years now. He is conviced that GLA should be bracketed in the first three positions of the appraisal, I disagree, as long as it is bracketed somewhere within adjustment grid.
The grid is to help illustrate to the reader how you came to your opinion of market value. Its preference. If the reader gets past just looking at the appraised value this will typically be the first place they look comps 1-3 so I typically put the best comps in those spots.
The grid is to help illustrate to the reader how you came to your opinion of market value. Its preference. If the reader gets past just looking at the appraised value this will typically be the first place they look comps 1-3 so I typically put the best comps in those spots.
When you can't bracket GLA, I can't imagine just having 3 comps.
I would at least put a listing comp with more similar GLA. It helps tie in the story of your report.
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