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GLA Bracketing Requirments

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Thank you. I have been debating this issue with my former mentor for years now. He is conviced that GLA should be bracketed in the first three positions of the appraisal, I disagree, as long as it is bracketed somewhere within adjustment grid.
That factor might be addressed when the comps are being reconciled in the SCA narrative. I include a brief narrative in the SCA entitled "Supplemental Adjustment Factors" the includes factors that aren't bracketed, as well as iffy factors such as the rationale for failing to adjust for some but not all solar systems, that "view" and "location" might be incorporated into one or the other in a specific report, etc., etc.
if you are not bracketing then it must not have been available right? not required but you will get a stip on why you didnt (like the VA) if you havent already commented on it. if comps are available i bracket everything major.
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