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Global Economy Bursting?

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THe dollar referendum poll


1 yuan = 4.7 rubles

Russia like to print rubles.

One thing that comes to mind is a certain poll ..... a poll that is a referendum on the dollar.... that poll being the approval rating of our president ...... once the approval rating goes down to 34% ..... the referendum on the dollar is that all currencies across the globe are no longer apples to oranges comparisons ..... 1 yaun apple = 4.7 ruble apple = (x) dollar apple ....

...the latest polls shows the president approval rating at 39% .....

that means 39% believe that our president has some clout to effect our reserve currency status ...

as far as inflation rates of other countries and polls for that matter including the one I just mentioned .....

...inflation rates can not be reliable data ...... too much behind the curtain ...these stats only reflect what the elites are allowing the financial traders to see ....

..once the dollar is no longer viewed as a haven for stability .... all stats on inflation figures go out the window ...

....and as far as polls go ..... the elites quite exuborantly tell the world through the book "Grand Design" by Stephen Hawking ..... that facts are no longer important .... all reality is just a mirage ....

.... in the Grand Design .... all data is didactically mined to drive a new thesis - to mold history forward

... globalism is all about winning the total and complete propaganda war towards an M-theory currency (no exchanges)
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An old Army trick we used to pull. If you have a couple of troops that cheat at poker, entice them into a high stakes poker game with just the cheaters allowed to play. Always good for a good fist fight. The cheaters all know each other and how they cheat. We will see just how long relations last. Can you believe it? Two communists economies trying to have a balance of payments in balance. I won't give it a year. Just adds more instability to the system and complicates things. Not to worry, our Wall Street Harvard boys will handle it. They scored in the top 5% on the SATs remember. They can balance the trade deficit with some of them securitized trances backed by cdw's and some of them other tings too that only they can understand.
One thing that comes to mind is a certain poll ..... a poll that is a referendum on the dollar.... that poll being the approval rating of our president ...... once the approval rating goes down to 34% ..... the referendum on the dollar is that all currencies across the globe are no longer apples to oranges comparisons ..... 1 yaun apple = 4.7 ruble apple = (x) dollar apple ....

...the latest polls shows the president approval rating at 39% .....

that means 39% believe that our president has some clout to effect our reserve currency status ...

Fiat currencies cannot bring stability and trade balance. The reason so many of the EU countries are in trouble is because they can't print euros and they don't have the economic strength to compete to balance their trade deficits with their spending deficits.

The world was once on a gold standard. The trade imbalances were not solved but countries had to adjust their currency's value relative to gold to balance that deficit. Printing currency was not a solution to a trade deficit but it did stifle domestic demand for imports and raised the inflation rate. That's what the U.S. is doing. Once the U.S. dollar is rejected as the world's reserve currency, the U.S. will have to use what ever medium becomes the trade settlement currency.
The Turkey Dollar

Once the U.S. dollar is rejected as the world's reserve currency, the U.S. will have to use what ever medium becomes the trade settlement currency.

... maybe that new currency will be stuffing ...... I am going to make some for tommorrow ...

Happy Thanksgiving .....
Obama bolsters hybrid auto sales in waning market

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/11/23/BUDR1GGF4T.DTL#ixzz16F8iHIUB

Since Obama has been in office, the federal government has bought over 25% of the output of hybrid electric cars from both Ford and GM. This is happening as consumer demand for these cars is falling.

The General Services Administration has bought bought at least 14,584 GM and Ford hybrids. Very expensive vehicles for some government employee to be driving around.

Will these cars from Ford and GM make it on their own?

What does education attainment say about employment opportunities?

Ireland considers this human capital advantage a key to its future rebound.

Germany, where education is perceived quite differently, is doing so much better than the well educated countries of Europe and the United States.
There’s Credit Default Swaps & then there’s Credit Default Swaps


Great article. Who created the first CDS and why? What a money maker so it expanded during the CDO mania. What happened to freeze the world's credit markets? On July 10, 2007, Moody’s and S&P downgraded the ratings on 1,032 bond issues. Within weeks banks wouldn’t lend to each other. And the giant write downs began. No government saw what was happening let alone understand how pervacious the dependency on credit insurance was. The problem was the originators of the credit insurance did not have the assets or reserves to make good on the claims. Banks used the credit insurance to satisfy holding risky assets that paid very high yields, instead of cash reserves.

Exciting conclusion, can the economy recover after 10 years of consumer borrowing to finance 70% of all consumption?
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