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Global Economy Bursting?

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Again the short sightedness rears it head.

This is how you join the EURO
How do you exit the EURO?
Why would anyone want to exit the EURO?

Real estate is a great investment.
What happens if it starts to decline?
Why would it ever decline?

Give me the Rupee and the Germand and Swiss Franc

... folks like Britian, Switzerland and Russia are not part of the Euro .......

... Britian is being too friendly with France right now with "Hollande" ..... Merkel is miffed by Camerons attitude towards Frances' inability to deal with the reality of the situation ..... but then , France has too much verbratto and castroti in their sense of stlye .... too much hubris since the beheading of their last King - their autocracy killed their inner soul ...... autocracies and hard currencies have never been good bed fellows ....


the Russian ruble ...... and the Swiss Franc ..... and the British pound .... of the three ... which one has the least autocracy? ........... the Swiss ..... and look at the stability of that currency ..... a currency needs a SOUL ....

.... Soul desires truth .......

.... there is a total avoidance of truth out there ...

.... could someone gives us a blueprint for hope now?

.... something other than a handful of globalist that hold all the keys?

.... are we nothing more than livestock?

.... Maybe India will lead the way with the Rupee .....
...if you have the education block of required courses :)
making us almost as good as elementary teachers....except we don't have the appraisal "block" of hours, right?
And all for half the pay and none of the benefits of an Elementary teacher
You forgot the 52 weeks a year -v.- 8-9 weeks in Summer off + Christmas & Easter breaks.
Still , having done it for a year, teaching in the public schools is hard work.
Greece Gives Banks Banks $22.6 Billion As Exit Panic Causes Savers To Pull Funds

Sure, run all you want, the bankers are still getting bailed out. Not sure if they are laughing at us or just still manipulating us. George-Dodd has rigged the game in favor of they banks if they ever get in trouble.
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Number of high-school students with jobs hits 20-year low

College grads take fast food jobs


In 1990, 32 percent of high school students held jobs, versus just 16 percent now. Blame their elders.

Sectors that traditionally have offered teens their first paying gig — fast-food chains, movie theaters, malls and big-box retailers — have now become the last resorts for out-of-work college graduates or older Americans forced back into the labor force out of sheer financial necessity.

The decline began in the 1990s, but accelerated in the past decade. It has grown worse since the dawn of the Great Recession, analysts say.

They now have the option to hire older employees with more experience and, in many cases, much more education.

“They think, ‘I can hire this old guy instead. He already knows how to work, so we don’t need to teach him,’ ” said Andrew Sum, director of Northeastern University's Center for Labor Market Studies.
"Greg Weldon: Turbulence Is Coming"

An interesting Video, but faster to scroll down & read it,
the first few paragraphs summarize the key problem


It all goes back to Nixon, Roosevelt & The Barbarous Relic: Gold
What backs our money ? (Currently, I'd say batteries; as the full faith & credit of the USA, meaning politicians' sacred oaths, worth very little)


As to the US stock market's direction - have a look at the chart on page 2
of the letter I linked below. Chart has information collected from 1881 through 1990 & confirms that price multiples are (once again) much too high -- and this time ain't any different than the last time. IMHO.


Labor is not healthy; housing is not healthy. I don't care what the pop media wants to tell you – it's not. The real facts are that there are nine million chronically unemployed people in this country that are not being put back to work. You can't even generate employment growth that meets the population growth. Without that, and if you don't generate real income growth, there's really no housing market reflation to be had.
Sounds like he has pretty good grip on the reality of it all...

The invisible elephant in the room is that government regulation is not our friend. Why has gasoline prices remained high on the coasts? The refineries closed because they were not losing money, they were hemmoraging it. Old refineries cannot be updated economically plus they are inefficient. The Feds, and states, particularly California are not friendly to any new refinery. So they pack it in and go elsewhere. Let the coasts import the stuff from inland or overseas.

Our tractors are inefficient because of diesel smog controls. Only a mass conversion of diesel fuel rigs to use natural gas blends (yep, you can run nat gas in a diesel design) will change that ... but again, safety issues with high pressure tanks means the next drag on the conversion is the dept of Transportation safety.... you get the picture. It's Whack a mole government. Try a new efficient "something" and the government will find a way to slow it.

A friend is a British bike nut. He has a Triumph. So does his twin brother...the difference? About 10 mpg. Finally looking it over, he realized his was plumbed for California smog controls. He removed the "junk" and now gets within a couple miles per gallon of what his brother's bike does.
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