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Housing Bubble Bursting?

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North Carolina's coastal market changes tide

North Carolina's coastal market changes tide

Along North Carolina's coast, home sales appear to have crested, making sellers wonder if the market is in a correction -- or even worse -- a collapse, says The News & Observer. In the Outer Banks, located at the northern end of the state, year-over-year sales of existing homes fell by more than 50% in April and May, the article says. In May, the average home price in the Outer Banks dropped about $100,000, or 16%, from the year before, the paper says. With a glut of oceanfront homes, buyers are asking for discounts of 10% to 15% from sellers' asking prices, the paper says. (Though sellers are resisting price cuts, The News & Observer reports.) The not-so-sunny portrait is about the same throughout the coastal area, with sales of existing homes in Brunswick County (on the south of the coast) down by approximately 50%, and sales of existing homes in Carteret County showing a drop of 15% in May and a 34% dip in April.
Foreclosure frenzy in South Florida

Foreclosure frenzy in South Florida

A slowing housing market and increasing interest and home-insurance rates have combined to create a swell in the number of home foreclosures in South Florida, says South Florida Sun-Sentinel. In the first quarter of this year, there were 3,000 additional foreclosures (a rise of 40%) than at the end of 2005, the paper says. Those most at risk for foreclosure are homeowners who stretched their real-estate dollars during the housing boom through creative financing, the article says. In the first quarter, foreclosures rose 69% in Palm Beach, Fla., from the end of the previous quarter, the paper says. "We're seeing people who have overbought and their rates are going up now and they can't afford their houses," the president of Foreclosure.com says.
Refocus Theme of This Thread

I started this thread about 110 pages and a while back. I have generally kept up with the direction of discussion and the point of this all seems to me to be losing the focus of the significant issue I was addressing.

The declining housing market is not the focus of the issue. The declining housing market is the symptom of the issue. The issue is terrible credit, fiscal, and monetary policy. In general, the political economy played games with the economic valves in an attempt to offset one defect with another defect to balance things out. Now things are back to normal and they have to disengage the installed defects to realign the economic ship.

What we should be discussion is how we as appraisers contributed to this fiasco. I watched this developing from the side lines and saw it coming. Who is to blame? First: I blame the creation of the environment in which this mess festered and grew on the monetary regulators. In their defense, they had two reasons for doing so. A: To restore the wealth lost in the dot.com crash. B: 9/11 knocked the props out from under the economy and they had to use the real estate valve to re inflate the economy. Now that the economy has recovered, they have the aftermath to deal with-the housing bubble created by all these doings.

What caused the dot.com crash and 9/11? I say a general and uniquely American idea of getting rich and making big money without producing things. Just manipulate the system, you get rich and don't even get your hands dirty. The easiest method available to the average American is using their home equity. If they don't have any home equity, no problem, that little problem can be taken care of with monetary and credit policies. So, whom do you blame? Who is really getting hurt as a result of this scheme? The answer is: "Read the above posts. The fault lies with the idiots that fell for the scheme including people buying houses they can't afford, lenders and investors." Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn. What goes around comes around. They can't pass a law protecting people from their own stupidity.

I was talking last Wednesday with a local investor. He owns a big restaurant, motel, C-store etc. They are taking some of his land for an airport air easement. There are two new motels near the airport both opened in the last two years in an already grossly over built market and his is one of the two. He told me he was building a new motel with 60 units next to the one he just opened which has 70 units. I asked his occupancy rate and he said, 48%. I asked about the motel across the road. He stated their occupancy rate was 22% and it had been sold two times since it opened two years ago. I am appraising his new C-store that just opened. The LQ quotient is 15% average meaning there is 15% of the required demand to support a new C-store. The local population is declining with 1,000 job seakers leaving the area in the last year and the highest unemployment rate in the state and 5th highest in the nation. He has a professionally prepared market analysis justifying the operation. I have got to read it this weekend. How can that be? And the beat goes on and on and on....
The declining housing market is not the focus of the issue. The declining housing market is the symptom of the issue. The issue is terrible credit, fiscal, and monetary policy.

Austin, there are people in this thread who denounce the very notion of a declining housing market and in the same breath say it will be a soft landing. Brad even chimed in that there was no recession in 2001 (no back to back negative GDP growth).

The argument is that real estate markets are local and therefore there is not going to be a national problem.

You can discuss all you want to about national monetary and fiscal policies. You can say that appraisers are guilty of following the greed mentality brought on by those policies.

The question I have, is how bad is this down turn going to be? I say it is a given on the direction, it is only the magnitude that is in question. Appraisers are going to be impacted just like the rest of the population.
Pamela Crowley (Florida) said:

D.R. Horton shares fall after home builder cuts outlook

Associated Press

DALLAS - Shares of D.H. Horton Inc. tumbled more than 8 percent Friday after the home builder cut its profit expectations and announced that recent sales orders plunged more than 7 percent from a year ago, further evidence that the housing market is slowing.

Horton said late Thursday that orders in its fiscal third quarter, which ended June 30, fell to $3.8 billion from $4.1 billion.

The decline in number of houses was closer to 4 percent, slipping to 14,316 from 14,980 homes a year earlier. Horton cut its full-year forecast to 50,000 homes from an earlier prediction of 58,000.

The company said it expects to earn 93 cents per share in the June quarter, including a charge of 11 cents per share for forfeiting options and other land costs. It also cut its full-year outlook to $3.65 - down from an April forecast of $5.25 to $5.35 per share.

Analysts had expected the company to earn $1.30 per share in the last quarter and $4.92 per share for the year, according to a survey by Thomson Financial.

Horton is the latest builder to cut its profit outlook for this year since May, joining Toll Brothers Inc., Hovnanian Enterprises Inc., and KB Home.

Chairman Donald R. Horton said home builders are encountering "difficult selling conditions."

"The current home-sales environment is characterized by an increase in both existing and new homes available for sale, higher-than-normal cancellation rates and an increase in the use of sales incentives in many of our markets," he said in a statement issued by the Fort Worth-based company.

Horton shares fell $1.88, or 8.2 percent, to $20.98 in Friday morning trading on the New York Stock Exchange. During the morning session, they dipped below $20.29, setting a 52-week low.

Margaret Whelan, an analyst with UBS, said the steeper decline in dollar value than number of orders indicates that the company built too many homes on speculation - believing a buyer would come along - and now must slash prices to sell them.

The company is scheduled to report June-quarter earnings on July 20.

Horton claims to be the largest home builder in the United States, completing more than 51,000 houses in its last fiscal year, which ended Sept. 30. The company operates in 83 markets in 27 states mostly in the southern part of the country from the Mid-Atlantic to the West.

So far this year, KB home stock is down 45%, Dr Horton 41% and Centex 36%
They are the worst performing stocks in the market this year
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For San Diego Real Estate, the Skies Are Not So Sunny


For San Diego Real Estate, the Skies Are Not So Sunny
Signs of a chill are spreading in the state's hottest market. Care to speculate on the future?
By David Streitfeld, Times Staff Writer
July 17, 2006

SAN DIEGO — For a long time, this was a cruel place for any would-be homeowner who didn't have a wad of bucks or a tolerance for the high-risk, short-term mortgages that some call suicide loans.

Finally, the seemingly unstoppable ascent of real estate here has stopped. Last week, reports showed that the city's median home price dropped 1% in June from a year earlier, the first decline in a decade

That should be good news for Carmen Buck, a 29-year-old homemaker who has been saving and hoping for a house. But she sees little to celebrate.

"Homes were more in reach a year ago," Buck said.

Prices might have been a bit higher back then, she noted, but interest rates were a whole lot lower.

The long-awaited shift in the market's direction isn't pleasing many others, either. Sellers are chopping prices to get deals done. Buyers worry that values will continue to fall, putting their investment at risk. There's widespread uncertainty, and some anxiety, about what happens next.

San Diego had the wildest run-up among major California cities, with prices tripling since the mid-1990s. The boom was stoked by cheap loans, changes in tax law, creative financing and a generalized mania that fed upon itself.

The market also began to fade first in San Diego. The craziness seemed to peak about two years ago, when bidders routinely submitted letters saying that they and their children would be forever honored if the seller would consent to choose them.

Whatever happens here, optimists and pessimists agree, will happen later in the rest of the state.

That's about the only thing everyone agrees on. The size of the coming hangover is a particularly contentious matter.

Most analysts and people in the real estate industry insist it will be mild. The housing bears say the bulls are either misguided, uninformed or shills.

At a Century 21 sales office in the Ocean Beach neighborhood, broker David Davis said the market had already bottomed out. The spring was weak, he acknowledged, averaging only one or two sales a month — half the office's usual rate.

But things are already back on track, Davis said. He expects four sales this month, about normal.

The last San Diego real estate collapse, which hit in the early 1990s, was triggered by convulsions in the aerospace industry. The post-Cold War downturn caused widespread unemployment and a generalized exodus from much of Southern California. High interest rates contributed to the misery.

"Our No. 1 industry is now tourism," Davis said. "Unless they take away the sun, we'll be fine."

He's putting his money where his optimism is, spending $187,000 over the winter for a downtown condo he'll live in. He knows other agents who are buying too. "I think they see a good thing," he said. "Buy low, sell high."

If Davis radiates cheer, the fliers taped to the window outside the office door tell a different story. "Huge Price Reduction," one says. Another says both "Reduced" and "$15,000 Credit."

In some cases, the prices are dropping faster than the fliers can be reprinted.

A two-bedroom town home has its price of $324,900 crossed out with a marking pen, replaced by $309,900. Another house, a four-bedroom in suburban La Mesa, has a printed price of $575,000.

Below that is handwritten $549,000.

Scribbled below that is a new minimum: $499,000.

What helped supercharge the San Diego boom was the spread of unconventional financing methods.

Some adjustable-rate loans allowed buyers to postpone payments on the principal. Sometimes the loans allow the buyer to pay only part of the interest, tacking the remainder onto the loan itself.

The advantage of these loans is that buyers can afford much more house. The disadvantage is that they reset quickly, which is why critics call them suicide loans. After the grace period expires, the payments can skyrocket — particularly if it is a time of rising interest rates like the present.

Holders of these loans can't afford to see prices decline. Yet for everyone who has been shut out of the market, the only hope is a drastic slide.

"Houses really need to fall by 50% to become affordable again," said Tom Scott, executive director of the San Diego Housing Federation, a coalition of nonprofit and advocacy groups. "It would be better for everyone if the price of housing fell."

Buck, the homemaker, said she and her electrician husband, Andre, might start looking at foreclosures. Notices of default, the precursor to foreclosure, reached 1,533 in San Diego County in the first quarter of 2006, up 60% from the year-earlier period, according to DataQuick Information Systems. The number is still low by historical standards, however.

Rich Toscano, a former technology consultant who was recently hired at a financial planning firm, expects the Bucks to have many more repossessed homes to choose from soon.

Two years ago, Toscano set up a website, http://www.piggington.com , to illustrate the case for a crash with facts, charts and dispassionate analysis. His work has won avid fans, many of whom post on the Piggington chat boards, and some detractors, who call him a bitter renter.

"We've built a whole economy based on selling each other homes," the 35-year-old Toscano said. "That's not sustainable."

To illustrate his point, he offered a tour of downtown in his silver Miata convertible. Around every corner, it seemed, was another crane putting up another massive condo building. There's Vantage Pointe, Smart Corner, the Alta, Nexus, the Legend, the Mark. Many will have hundreds of units.

"I'm surprised we haven't covered all of San Diego with granite countertops by now," he said.

The housing category dropping the most in value here, DataQuick says, are newly built single-family homes and new condos. Median prices of these are down 8% since June 2005.

Condos for resale are down much less — 2.1% — but sales volume has slumped by about a third. "There's an 11-month supply on the market downtown," Toscano said.

Many of the resales are offered by speculators. Buying condos to "flip" them was a routine practice here and for a while an extremely profitable one.

As is true of all booms, many expected the good times to continue forever.

"In 2004, if you told people that housing would someday stop appreciating, they'd look at you like you were the equivalent of a nut who was buying gold bullion and storing it in his bomb shelter," Toscano said.

Another element manias have in common is that their logic is elusive. The record low interest rates, unconventional financing techniques and tax revisions allowing home sellers to keep the first $250,000 of profit tax-free were present in Nebraska as well as California, but Nebraska didn't get crazy.

Other oft-cited reasons are dismissed by Toscano. There hasn't been a population explosion in San Diego. Starting in 2003, in fact, the city lost more residents to other areas than it gained in newcomers.

Toscano says that the decline he is forecasting won't happen overnight.

When he extends the tour through a number of residential neighborhoods, what's most striking is not the presence of "For Sale" signs but their absence. "We're at the very, very beginning of this," he said.

The dream of homeownership won't easily die. That could provide a steadying influence to a market in turmoil.

Eduardo Duarte is 36. He makes $30,000 a year working in a grocery store. His dream: a two-bedroom condo, which would have enough space for him and his young son.

It's almost within reach. He's saved and scrimped for two years and has just been approved for low-income housing assistance.

"When you rent, you don't have anything," Duarte said. "When you buy, you get tax breaks. And then you can sell the house and get the equity."

What about all the forecasts of doom?

"After five years, houses should be going up again," he said. "You've got to be patient."
Right on San Diego!

Moh, a very timely and accurate article from the LA Times. The data is there, it is just a question for some to come out of that state of denial. Especially now that is it in the middle of summer where peak sales volume occurs, how is NAR going to spin this?

The impact of rising gas prices is beginning to bite on the commuters outside of the city of San Diego, especially the I-15 corridor down from Temecula in Riverside county.

Rising interest rates are taking on new revelations as some who bought with interest only loans are beginning to discover.

Large discounts from the listing price are becoming common. Seller concessions are very common.

There is a record number of homes listed for sale for the county.

Short sales are increasing.

Someone observed that the California Association of Realtors might stop publishing median price numbers just like they did when they stopped publishing the housing affordability index (it just got too low to explain).
Do you know what this guy is talking about?
"Our No. 1 industry is now tourism," Davis said. "Unless they take away the sun, we'll be fine."
Tourism and housing market!!!!! I wonder how many toursists are going to buy home when they are in San Diego.
moh malekpour said:
Do you know what this guy is talking about? Tourism and housing market!!!!! I wonder how many toursists are going to buy home when they are in San Diego.

I don't know if it's true, but if it is true that the Number 1 industry is tourism, then it will have a profound effect on the housing market. (All those motel managers have to have a place to live, after all.)

So, perhaps, if the economy of that area is going to tank, the real cause will be high gas prices, not interest rates.
Moh, the last time the job industry shifted, there was a decline in home prices. Now, it has shifted to the hospitality industry and real estate related industry. That is what is making the housing affordability index decline. That and what was a rising home price. Now, if home prices stay flat or decline, it may make the housing index rise and CAR will start reporting that number again. :new_smile-l:

We do have lots of summer rentals for tourists but those are closer to the beach. You can rent one on the beach for $3,000 a week. If you want luxury, then it is more like $5,000 a week.

Steve, if the home prices decline at all, it won't be anything but lack of buyers and sellers who can't wait out the market and have to sell. Monthly payments are the name of the game. If you can't afford to buy, you rent. If can't afford to rent, you move.

One thing that will make some people move is what the state does for its tax policies; the worker's comp tax burden made a number of businesses leave the state. The car tax increase killed the former governor with a special recall election. We now have the "Governator". The election for this fall has a candidate promising to raise taxes by 10 billion dollars. If he wins, and taxes are raised, you will see more businesses and people leave the state.

Nevada is advertising here right now to allure businesses to come there. We had Arkansas advertise here too. I wonder why they are spending money here to tell us we need to move?
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