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Housing Bubble Bursting?

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Asking a Realtor® if you should buy now is like asking a barber if you need a haircut.

Moh, Patrick's article just went too far! He even nukes barbers:huh: . Personally, I trust people honest enough to hang wild life trophies on the wall for all to see.

He forgot to mention a few other reasons to dump SF. How about them passing strange ordinances that defy state pre-emption laws, etc? No problem, they seem to have a kiss their own *** attitude, those city officials.
Good grief! Dirty Harry was filmed there:shrug: No lasting effects??

There is also apparently lacking, a critical mass of voters sufficiently schooled in economic principles to vote out the current crop of SF politicians, and their predecessors, most of whom should have been replaced long ago.

I'd say the brain drain is to more places than India. The smart people, and the smart businesses that could un-tether to their local investment, probably had enough.
I am beginning to think that the reported increase in employment from the feds stats is akin to the threat of WMD's from Iraq. Seems that most post on this forum not matter from what region has unemployment problems. So where are these new jobs coming from and who is measuring and reporting this.

Keep an eye on the Detroit Three/Delphi problems. These problems are about to be dealt with and in a severe way. The change that is coming will be immediate however attrition will take a awhile. Pretty dramatic hourly rate changes. Some of which is needed, some of which is all about profits for reports, but most will hurt the middle class lifestyle.

When a study/count of the retirement age people together with longevity approximates then we in the auto belt will have the estimated timing as to when the economic worm will really turn. This is a few years off but it'll get here.

Today, reducing a huge workforce,then reducing the hourly rate for the remaining to 1/2, will have an effect on buyers ability to buy housing.

But again I ask what tea leaves are showing a growth in jobs and are they reliable leaves?

On a national level the number of jobs did not grow last month for the first time in years. Job growth in Central Florida is still very strong as it is in most states that have desirable living conditions (aka south of the Ohio river.)

It looks more and more like housing prices will not fall, but rather the price of everything else will go up (same effect without massive bank failures and other economic disasters.)
moh malekpour said:

Bubble sitting: The pros and cons

Bubble sitters also include those people who have never owned a home and are waiting to take the plunge....

This could be a pretty good strategy. Usually, when the housing market gets tight enough, the politicians come out with "bond money" for first time home buyers (which, with typical political largesse, really means 'people who haven't owned a home in the last three years'). Seems like they can't think of ways to spend the taxpayer's money fast enough.
Reasons for an impending US economic recession

Reasons for an impending US economic recession

...For the US, this rapid, steep decline in the growth of consumer spending is the first decisive consideration to expect in the United States impending serious recession...

Dr Kurt Richebcher
Published : Wed 09 Aug, 2006

Trying to assess the situation and further growth prospects of the US economy, the first important fact to see is that the US economic recovery since November 2001 has been by far the weakest in the whole postwar period. Just a few tidings composed by the Economic Policy Institute in Washington:

First, inflation-adjusted hourly and weekly wages today are below where they were at the start of the recovery in November 2001; second, median household income (inflation adjusted) has fallen five years in a row and was 4% lower in 2004 than in 1999; third, total jobs since March 2001 (the start of the recession) are up 1.9% and private jobs 1.5% (at this stage of previous business cycles, jobs had grown 8.8%); fourth, the unemployment rate is low only because several million people have given up to look for a job.

And here are some cursory remarks on our part: First, job growth has steeply fallen during the last three months, from 200,000 in February to 75,000 in May; second, all the job growth has come from the artificial net birth/death model, implying that it is booming among small new firms not captured by the payroll survey, while slumping in existing firms; third, private household indebtedness since 2000 has soared by 70%. This compares with an overall increase in real disposable personal income by 12%.

Reasons for an impending US economic recession: US consumer spending

According to the popular GDP accounts, US consumer spending in the first quarter has burst by a record rate of 5.2%. That is the fact on which everybody happily focuses. Few people realize, first of all, that this is an annualized figure. The true increase against the prior quarter was 1.3%.

In any case, though, it is a grossly distorted figure. The ugly reality of the first five months of 2006 is that the consumer-spending boom of the past few years has effectively broken down. But to realize this, it is necessary to look at the sequence of monthly data. Here they are, from the same source as the GDP numbers, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA):

By these figures, measuring spending and income growth from month to month, consumer spending in the US in the first quarter has increased 0.6%, or 2.4% annualized, less than half the 5.2% as reported in the GDP accounts. As we have stressed several times before, the big difference between the figures arises from the fact that the GDP measures changes in averages. The big increase in consumer spending happened in reality in November/December 2005, resulting in a large "overhang" for the following quarter. To detect a recent change in trend, it is necessary to focus on the changes from month to month, as above. For May, reported retail figures showed an increase by 0.1% before inflation. With a monthly inflation rate of 0.3%, total real spending should be at a minus.

This sudden weakness in US consumer spending has an obvious reason. The spending bubble on consumer durables - that is, on autos and housing durables - is going bust. It was largely spending borrowed from the future to be implicitly followed by payback time. For the US, this rapid, steep decline in the growth of consumer spending is the first decisive consideration to expect in the United States’ impending serious recession; and remarkably, this is happening with record credit growth and even before the housing bubble is truly bursting.

That this most important fact goes completely unnoticed says something about the depth of research. Moreover, this sharp slowdown in consumer spending strikingly conforms to the downward shift in the growth of real disposable personal incomes. In 2005, it was already down to 1.3%. So far in 2006, it is zero.

Under these miserable US income conditions, the strength of future consumer spending manifestly depends on the possibilities of ever-higher cash-out mortgage refinancing against rising house prices. It hardly requires any intelligence to have realized by now that this is flatly impossible.

Reasons for an impending US economic recession: Current credit expansion

Looking at the accelerating credit expansion, we are, as a matter of fact, more than doubtful that the slowdown in the US economy and the housing bubble has anything to do with the Fed’s rate hikes. What crucially matters for both is the current credit expansion, and that keeps accelerating. But the problem is that more and more credit creates less and less economic activity, as measured by GDP.

The unrecognized problem in the United States is that economic growth driven by a housing bubble is extremely credit and debt intensive. It needs, firstly, heavy borrowing to drive up the house prices and, secondly, further heavy borrowing to turn the resulting capital gains into cash. Put this together with minimal or now zero real disposable income growth and you have something like a credit Moloch devouring credit and leaving less and less for economic growth.

Yet we are sure that the US economy’s extraordinary debt addiction has other reasons unrelated to the housing bubble. One is the huge trade deficit, and the other is extensive and rapidly increasing Ponzi finance.

The American consensus view holds that the trade deficit, however large, does not matter because foreigners easily finance it. This view reveals the total absence of any serious analysis of related domestic income and debt effects. The obvious first major harmful economic effect is that domestic producers lose an equal amount of domestic spending and income creation to foreign producers, and that today in a staggering annual amount of more than $800 billion, equal to about 7% of nominal GDP.

Such persistently large and growing income losses from the trade deficit would have pulled the US economy into recession long ago. It has not happened because the Greenspan Fed, by way of loose and cheap money, provided for a compensating increase in domestic demand through additional credit creation. It succeeded, true, but the thing to see is the additional credit and debt creation. This was justified with low inflation rates. Ironically, the import boom in the trade deficit has been very helpful in suppressing US inflation.

Yet there is still a second major harmful effect to the trade deficit that American economists completely ignore. Implicitly, the alternative demand created by the looser US monetary policy is different from the demand that emigrates to foreign producers. The big loser is the export industries in manufacturing. The gains, via the surrogate demand, have been in consumer services and goods.

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Reasons for an impending US economic recession

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Reasons for an impending US economic recession: The US trade deficit

In essence, the trade deficit alters the US economy’s structure in a negative way. The losing manufacturing area is the sector with the highest rate of capital formation, and therefore also the highest rate of productivity growth. For good reasons, it also pays the highest wages. Consider that US manufacturing lost 3 million jobs in the past few years. To be sure, the trade deficit is not its only reason, but unquestionably a major one.

Pondering the US economy’s unusually high addiction to credit and debt growth in relation to GDP growth, we are sure of another evil factor - Ponzi finance. Principally, every increase in spending brings about an equivalent increase in incomes. But this is not true in three cases of spending: first, spending on existing assets; second, spending on imports; and third, Ponzi finance.

Ponzi finance means that lenders simply capitalize unpaid interest rates. Ponzi finance creates credit, but it is bare of any demand and spending effects in the economy. In the conventional American view, balance sheets of private households are in their very best shape because increases in asset values have vastly outpaced the sharp increases in debts. So Americans see no problem.

With such great optimism about the US economy still prevailing, it is a safe assumption that lenders have been more than happy to capitalize unpaid interest rates as new loans, at least until recently. As widely reported, lending standards have been extremely lax for years. Nevertheless, there is bound to come a point where Ponzi lending stops.

The crucial difference is in the ghastly difference between runaway debt growth and nonexistent real disposable income growth as the income component from which debt service has to be paid. In 2000, consumer debt growth of 8.6% compared with real disposable income growth of 4.8%. During the first quarter of 2006, private household debt growth of 11.6%, annualized, compared with zero real disposable income growth.

These numbers suggest that, in the aggregate, all debt service occurs through Ponzi finance. Essentially, borrowing against existing assets is required to service debt. Another striking evidence of extensive Ponzi finance is the unusually large difference between rampant credit growth and much slower money growth. Capitalizing unpaid interest rates adds to outstanding credit and debt while adding nothing to bank deposits (money supply).

To get an idea of the actual extent of Ponzi finance, we make a simple calculation. Total outstanding debts in the United States amount to $41.8 trillion. Assuming an average interest rate of 5%, this implies an annual debt service of about $2 trillion. This compares with an increase in national income before taxes of $616 billion in 2005. Consumer incomes are even stagnant.

Under these conditions, the only question is the severity of the impending US recession. In this respect, we are a great believer in the axiom of Austrian theory that every crisis is broadly proportionate to the size of the excesses and imbalances that have accumulated during the prior boom. Our basic assumption is that the American consumer is bankrupt when house prices fall 20 - 30%.

The most important thing to realize is that the spending and debt excesses that have accumulated in the US economy and its financial system on the part of the consumer during the past 10 years are altogether of a size that vastly exceeds the potential for debt service from current income.

Reasons for an impending US economic recession: Debt trap

With stagnant real disposable income and double-digit debt growth, the American consumer is caught in a vicious debt trap. What, then, makes most people so optimistic of further economic growth? Apparently, there is a widespread view that households have sufficient equity cushions in their balance sheets to not only weather any storm ahead, but also to continue higher spending.

In our view, the most important thing to see is the fact that the US consumer has accumulated debts at a level vastly exceeding his abilities of debt service from current income. Probably many never had any intention of such kind of debt service. The general idea, certainly, has been to settle debt and debt service problems simply by selling later to the highly appreciated greater fool. That is what most economists take for granted.

What all these people overlook is, first of all, the vicious dynamics of Ponzi finance through compound interest on unproductive indebtedness. During 2000, total financial and nonfinancial credit and debt growth in the US amounted to $1,605.6 billion. In 2005, it had accelerated to $3,335.9 billion; and in the first quarter of 2006, it has run at an annual rate of $4,392.8 billion, and this now with zero income growth. Note that this debt explosion has happened with little change in GDP growth.

Given this precarious income situation on the one hand and the debt explosion on the other, it should be clear that at some point in the foreseeable future, there will be heavy selling of houses, with prices crashing for lack of buyers.

As to the level of asset prices in the United States, an additional comment is probably needed. Normally, the money for asset purchases comes from the savings out of current income. In the US economy, with savings in negative territory, all asset purchases essentially depend on available domestic credit and capital inflows. Buying assets on credit used to be the exception. In America today, it is the rule. For good reasons, the Fed is fearful to make money truly tight; it would crush the markets.

A study by the International Monetary Fund published in 2003 under the title "When Bubbles Burst" examined the differences in economic effects between bursting equity bubbles and bursting housing bubbles. It left no doubt that the latter are the far more dangerous specimen:

Reasons for an impending US economic recession: House price crash

Housing price crashes differ from equity price busts also in three other important dimensions. First, the price corrections during house price busts averaged 30%, reflecting the lower volatility of housing prices and the lower liquidity in housing markets. Second, housing price crashes lasted about four years, about 1 1/2 years longer than equity price busts. Third, the association between booms and busts was stronger for housing than for equity prices.

The situation today in the United States reminds us strongly of late December 2000. At its previous meeting in November, the Federal Open Market Committee directive had called future inflation the economy’s greatest risk. But then, all of a sudden, the bottom fell out of the economy. At its next meeting, on December 19, the FOMC changed the bias, declaring that the risk of economic weakness was outweighing the risk of inflation.

Two weeks later, Jan. 3, 2001, shocked by worsening economic news, the Fed dropped its funds rate, through a conference call, by 0.5% - twice the usual rate.

As we have stressed many times, the US economy today is incomparably more vulnerable than in 2000. All the growth-impairing imbalances in the economy - the trade deficit, the savings and incomes shortage and the debt levels - have dramatically worsened.

Very rapid interest rate cuts and prompt massive government deficit spending succeeded in containing the recession. The phoney "wealth effects" derived from the escalating housing bubble became the key source of demand creation in the United States. But the unpleasant longer-term result of the new policies was an unusually weak and lopsided economic recovery, particularly seeing drastic shortfalls in employment and income growth.
Spending vs Income

This is the statistic that scares me about our economy:
People under 42 aren't saving enough
Last year was the first year since 1933 that people spent more than they made. For every dollar we made, we spent $1.01. That happened in the Great Depression because people were just hoping to live. They had to spend more than they made just to survive. But, we don’t have that problem anymore. In fact, we’re far from it. So, why are people so obsessed with spending? Apparently, it’s affecting younger people even more. People under 42 spent $1.18 for each dollar they made. That is the post baby boomer group, and they’re headed for a train wreck. Those people should no by know that they will not have social security or a pension. So, it’s even more important to save. The majority of the people who listen to Clark’s show are saving, regardless of their age. It’s the people who aren’t listening who need help. So, if you have a friend, you may want to talk about it with him or her. Don’t be a know-it-all. But if asked, talk about investing and saving for retirement.
How long can anyone spend 18% more than they make? It will not be problem free, but runaway inflation is the best we can hope for at this point. It is the only thing that shrinks what is owed. The only real alternative to inflation at this point is a severe depression. It is just a matter of time.
Spending vs Income vs Debt

Year 2005 trade performance produced a $782 billion merchandise trade deficit, the largest negative trade balance in history.
Cumulative trade deficits since 1985 total $5.7 Trillion - - producing a negative international net worth of $5 Trillion.
And, these trade deficits are owed to non-Americans - - not to ourselves.
Our annual international trade deficit is 35% larger than Social Security spending, 50% larger than all defense spending, and 2.5 times larger than Medicare.


The chart below shows the result of stagnant income growth, as it relates to the trend of the number of manufacturing workers as a percentage of all U.S. employees (non-agriculture) - - from 26% in 1960 to 10% in 2004, a 60% drop in the manufacturing ratio.

On a GDP basis the trend is the same negative > the U.S. manufacturing base declined from 30.4% of GDP in 1953 (when we had a trade surplus) to 12.7% in 2003 - a 58% drop in the manufacturing share of GDP - and more of the remaining manufacturing base is foreign-owned than before. (Bureau Economic Analysis table b-12, Economic Report of President, appendix table)

The number of manufacturing employees declined 17% from 2000 to 2004.
As America's manufacture of goods has become a much smaller share of the economy and of its work-force, the U.S. became 5 times more dependent on foreign imports - - consuming 16% of national income, up from but 3% in 1960s. The export ratio has not improved in 30 years, despite many devaluations of the dollar.


What this says is that debt drives over-spending, over-consumption - - beyond incomes and savings. Therefore, excessive debt also drives imports - - faster and faster, driving soaring trade deficits.

The chart below is a ratio chart - - a ratio of total debt in America to national income. If America's debt dependence were not growing faster than the economy during this period the chart's trend line would have remained horizontal. However, the debt ratio's trend line is straight up in the past 25 years, which means debt increased each and every year faster than growth of the economy. Much of that debt was promoted by Federal Reserve interest rate and government tax policies - - including more rapid debt growth lately fueled by record low interest rates.

To say soaring trade deficits were greatly influenced by soaring internal debt generation, which drove consumption beyond incomes and personal savings, would be an under-statement, for sure.


It has been said that there are only three ways in which negative trade balances can be restored: (1) the deficit-incurring country (USA) must cease excessive credit (debt) expansion which sucks in imports faster than incomes warrant and allow interest rates to climb to reverse debt ratios, (2) other countries must inflate their economies to over-price their own production so as to suck up more U.S. exports, (3) the deficit country (USA) must allow its currency to depreciate to drive up prices.
For Housing, a Finger in the Wind

For Housing, a Finger in the Wind



A roadside in Encinitas, Calif., illustrates some of the fallout from a slowdown in housing prices.

Published: August 10, 2006

Now, as job growth and the economy slow under the twin burdens of higher borrowing costs and rising energy prices, the housing industry faces a precarious future.

Will it fall steeply and suddenly, as Wall Street did after the technology bubble burst? Or is housing, as many in the industry like to point out, different enough — with its patient sellers and real assets on the ground — to resist powerful downward drafts?
Investment in homes and condominiums fell at an annual rate of 6.3 percent in the second quarter, its third consecutive decline, and housing industry officials expect another big drop in the third quarter. Cancellations of new home orders are running at more than a third of sales for some home builders.

While the Fed still says housing is slowing at a moderate and orderly pace, David Seiders, chief economist at the National Association of Home Builders, said new information suggested that the market could get worse before it gets better.
Indeed, while housing officials frequently point out that home prices have never fallen nationally, economists are quick to note that, adjusted for inflation, prices have fallen, nationally and in major regional markets, sometimes for years at a time.
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange and a company run by Robert J. Shiller, a Yale University economist, operate a futures market for home prices in 10 big American cities. While trading is light, investors are betting that home prices in all 10 cities will be lower in May 2007 than a year earlier; the expected declines range from 3 percent in Denver to 7 percent in San Francisco.
This is nice bubble read from the contrarian investors who predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union, the massive migration within the US and the rise of terrorism in the West. Mogg & Davidson missed with their 90’s crash prediction, but for the long haul, they’ve been pretty accurate. For those who know the world will end locally, there is always an option, move.

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