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Housing Bubble Bursting?

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Bobby Bucks said:
A job or investing? The only opinion that matters with that question is the one the IRS has. I wonder if they have people following this thread. I've been informed the IMF and World Bank are tracking it. :-)
Maybe both Mike's will tell us that they do not file a schedule C or E and only file schedule B & D because it is all investment income? :new_smile-l:
Bobby Bucks said:
A job or investing? The only opinion that matters with that question is the one the IRS has. I wonder if they have people following this thread. I've been informed the IMF and World Bank are tracking it. :-)

More likely, a 5th grade civics class.
As to a bubble, that does not mean much except to you. To you, it means a catastrophic decline in the value of real estate. It may not be catastrophic to everyone. It may be an investment opportunity.

Ah, the old moving target argument.

1. Who has posted bubble anectdotes for 4+ years? Not me.

2. Who has predicted a crash and despair of biblical proportions? Not me.

I profess to be a real estate expert. I think those that I support would agree.

Some have proferred expert advice on stock investing, monetary policy, precious metals market and last but not least tax proficiency. WOW what a resume.
If some of you keep making personal remarks instead of sticking to the subject of this thread, it will be locked. That would be very unfair for the rest of us.
It's been going on for years

Randolph Kinney said:
Neither of you seem to be aware or have any knowledge in other areas of investing. You can't make relevant comments on interest rates, inflation, supply and demand and how they relate to what you do or other investment vehicles. We believe you both, you are immune to the business cycle.
Don't try to have a common-sense conversation on any economics related material in here, Randolph. There are always promoters who believe they are immune to basic cycles... and sometimes they are. What I've noticed is that many promoters are not only self-centered (unable to see the big picture) but also very thin skinned. Whenever anyone mentions business cycles, they spout out about how much money they make... sorry guys, that doesn't change the facts. I've seen a lot of them here locally... I've seen some make big bucks and I've seen a few loose their shirts. Meanwhile, I have a balanced investment portfolio that includes some fairly risky items and some very conservative things. I probably won't make as much money investing as some of the promoters do, but I probably won't lose as much as some of them do either. To each his own....

Funny little story about silver. When I was a teenager I worked at a bank as a teller. Silver was still in circulation. I bought the silver certificates (yes, I'm telling my age) and sold them to a promoter who also worked at the bank for 10 percent over... he got a lot more than that taking them up to Kansas City where he had a buyer (maybe the Fed, I don't really remember). Anyway, I used part of my profits to buy silver coin out of my drawer. By the time I quit I had a few hundred dollars worth.

Fast forward a few years. I come home one day and my girlfriend has put all my stuff in the front yard... furniture and all (I must have been a really bad boy) so I packed it in. A few months later, the Hunts started doing their thing. When it got pretty near the top, somewhere around $45 per oz. if I remember right, I figured "now is the time to sell." When I went to look for it it wasn't there... seems she put almost all of my stuff in the front yard. My only consolation? If I was a betting man, I'd give ten to one odds that the dumb b*!ch sold it for $6.50 an oz. ten minutes after I was out the door (or maybe even for even money). LOL

Not a huge loss, as those things go... but, it is a reminder that one of the problems with gold, silver, or even cash is that you have to have someplace safe to keep it.

One of my smartest moves ever investing? In 1973 (twenty years before I started appraising) I bought an old run down duplex for $7,500, owner carry first. Lived in half and let the rent from the other half pay the mortgage. Never put a dime into it... sold it a few years later for $18,000. If I wanted to devote myself to making money I could do better than I have... no doubt. But, I've found out something really important over the years. You don't have to have a lot of money to be able to afford quality in your life... you just need to be able to tell the difference.

I'm not exactly a Renaissance Man, but I do have some knowledge about a few other things besides real estate. So, my answer to the question "why don't you use your knowledge to invest in what you know about" is that I do.

The future appears different to different people. As the expression goes, a man with a hammer sees the future with nails.

Here are two graphs. One is the CRB index futures, the other is the one month LIBOR futures. One measures future prices of commodities in the index and the other measures the future prices of the rate of interest at which banks borrow money from other banks in the London Interbank Market. LIBOR reflects the world economic condition, and helps international investors to match their cost of lending to their cost of funds.

What is this information telling you?
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Well, I, for one, am holding my breath:icon_smile:

A man with a computer sees only charts?
To summarize the 29 pages: There are glass 1/2 empty people and glass 1/2 full people and everyone in between, it would seem.

Regarding the future:

Some think there is no cheese,

Some think there is less cheese,

Some think the cheese has been moved,

And, one poster that was ambivalent about cheese:shrug:

Many have had a go at arguing their points about how to best handle the alternate scenarios they believe are here and now or just around the corner.

Interestingly, many disagree about what happened in the past, and/or why.

I'm done:new_all_coholic:
rogerwatland said:
Well, I, for one, am holding my breath:icon_smile:

A man with a computer sees only charts?
Ahem ... yes Roger, a picture is worth a thousand words. Well to some people. Others? The picture does not mean anything nor the words that go with it. Why? Because they have a hammer and they are waiting for the nails to show up! :fencing:
This is a piece of land. Pretend it's a demo for getting appraiser initials. How many squares are there? Is this the before or after picture?


  • squares.gif
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