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Housing Bubble Bursting?

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Me:"I'm noticing whenever I show up lately...Crusaders seem to bail. At least that way some positive (opposing) viewpoints can be offered."

George Hatch said:
Mike (S),

What's there to talk about with you? We're not in the 6th grade anymore and everyone knows you'd have a complete meltdown if anyone dared to use a term for you similar in vitriol to your constant use of "Crusaders". So what's left?

So say what you have to say, sneer as much as you can sneer and be happy that people don't treat you the way you treat other people.

I stand corrected!

Mike Neff: "You can talk to me anytime. I try to surround myself with successful positive outlook type of people. There always are plenty of people bringing others down."

David Wimpelberg: "There is a lot of negativity, especially from Mike S., regarding the appraisal profession."

It's funny how two different people can have such opposing viewpoints about the same subject (including whether or not there's been a Housing Bubble growing all these many years).

It's true...I was unhappy appraising, but I took positive steps to eliminate that unhappiness. I excluded AMC's before we even started hearing about a Housing Bubble. However, I was only able to raise my fees & income slightly over 15 years--while inflation ate away at me from the bottom.

Noticing that housing prices tend to outpace inflation over the long haul...I had a bright idea to tie my income to the housing markets & it worked! My first year as a full time real estate agent I earned more than my best year ever appraising. That's not even factoring in our investments.

There's many people here who're unhappy about the state of affairs in appraising. You can read about their unhappiness & frustration everyday in these threads. Read the Petition signed by frustrated people--the majority of them are unhappy too (judging by their comments).

I think this unhappiness has some affect on peoples outlook & viewpoints. Some of these same folks seem stuck in a rut & view the housing markets in a perpetual state of dread, thus the many years of housing bubble posts here on the Forum. Some of these same folks seem to be lashing out more & more every year, and a few have resorted to attacking others.

What few of you realize is; I use to correspond with some of these equally unsatisfied Crusaders on a regular basis. I use to encourage them & support them, and tell them everything would work out. The problem arose when I tried to share an investment idea with some who reside on the lunatic fringe. They seemed incapable of grasping a concept outside of Appraising & I was promptly cyber slapped upside my square head for my troubles.

That's why I sneer George. It's not me turning in fellow Forumites I christen 'Skippy,' it's not me gossiping via Private Messages (I've said nothing in private I haven't said in these public Forums...the same can't be said of Crusaders). I've encouraged & continue to encourage people who request information from me. I like to exchange ideas with positive mined people who're looking to make a little money from their education & experiences.

It just so happens some of those who carry on year after year about an impending housing bubble...tend to cross over into making trouble for other people. Don't know if you've been elected designated hitter, or taken the mission on for yourself George, but I've never considered you a Crusader...just a relatively smart guy whose tended to be wrong for quite sometime now regarding this one issue.

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Very Old Proverb For Mike

The swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, nor do the wise also have the food, nor do the understanding ones also have the riches, nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all. For man also does not know his time. Just like fishes that are being taken in an evil net, and like birds that are being taken in a trap, so the sons of men themselves are being ensnared at a calamitous time, when it falls upon them suddenly.

Consequently let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall.
"Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing."


Firstly you must always implicitly obey orders, without attempting to form any opinion of your own regarding their propriety. Secondly, you must consider every man your enemy who speaks ill of your king; and thirdly you must hate a Frenchman as you hate the devil.
And I myself said: "Wisdom is better than mightiness; yet the wisdom of the needy one is despised, and his words are not listened to."

The words of the wise ones in quietness are more to be heard than the cry of one ruling among stupid people.

Dead flies are what cause the oil of the ointment maker to stink, to bubble forth. So a little foolishness does to one who is precious for wisdom and glory.
Lowborn men are but a breath,

the highborn are but a lie,

if weighed on a balance, they are nothing;
The content of each quotation presented here is " both good and original, but the part that is good is not original and the part that is original is not good."

Samuel Johnson, a.k.a Dr. Johnson.
"How long will you inexperienced ones keep loving inexperience, and how long must you ridiculers desire for yourselves outright ridicule, and how long will you stupid ones keep hating knowledge?"

For the renegading of the inexperienced ones is what will kill them, and the easygoingness of the stupid is what will destroy them.
For the chart finders

Glen Sather: "You can have all the talent in the world, but if the pumper's not there, it doesn't matter."

Kinda sums it up.
What's with all the quotes?

I'll play...

"24 hours a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?" - Steven Wright
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