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Hurricane Helena devastation in NC!

Do you have any idea how much is being spent on processing, transporting, housing, feeding, educating, providing medical care to illegals has cost us. The numbers are all over the place. But one thing they all agree on. It is into the 10s if not 100s of billions of dollars and growing.
Many immigrants come to our country for a better life. Against all disadvantages as many past immigrants have experienced, they have contributed to our society. Their children appreciate what their immigrant parents have done and do better as they assimilate into our society in paying taxes. Most immigrants have more entrepreneurial spirit than entitled Americans (have welfare to fall back on). They risk their lives to live a new life in America and that take lot of determination.
Regardless of where the funds come from, are you OK with us, the tax payer, paying billions of dollars to house, feed and care for people who KNOWINGLY entered this country illegally?
If MSNBC says its good then its good.
Less internet they have, less they can ask for assistance and less they can see of the government screwing them.
Those transfer trucks from Memphis are headed to that disaster assistance center. They won't block them. National Guard is there helping. Get the picture?

Those trucks will be there before noon likely. Try to stop one.
These are 18 wheeler trucks on a mission with National Guard backing them up.
Get the picture? Once they get there, many different people will help associated with many different public/private individuals.
Many immigrants come to our country for a better life. Against all disadvantages as many past immigrants have experienced, they have contributed to our society
Yes they do. It's the illegal aliens that are the problem, not the legal immigrants that come through legally. It's like getting a job... you don't start it by illegally breaking into the workplace.
I thought this thread was about national disasters. Did I get lost somewhere?

I told you I don't like drama.
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