I used Wintotal at a small office of five about 20 years ago. Always coming out with new features while never perfecting the existing ones. Also, found it to be very unstable at times. Switched to Bradford, and have used it since. A year or two ago tried Total again. Still found the same issues, and also - it was slow, and time consuming compared to Clickforms. A couple of tips for Clickforms. You can add word and excel to the toolbar through the edit option on the ribbon. I have a default template open when I am in Clickforms. That makes the addendum writing much easier than any other package I have used, plus the formatting options are much better. Once you have completed writing your addenda, Crtl A copies the entire document and paste it into the exhibit page. It keeps the original formatting, and any embedded Excel tables, as well. You can also set up auto-text and building blocks in your Word template, or a standard worksheet in Excel.
Also, take full advantage of the lists, particularly the neighborhood lists. It includes the text from your addenda so if you're like me, you can address issues like rapid growth by having one well-written section for that area. And be consistent with every job there. Learning how to use Excel to update data in real-time, but I don't see why it would not work here. I keep track of permitted developments, for instance, in rapidly growing areas, and include a lot of MLS stats downloaded into excel, and linked to word docs.