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Improper Appointment To The Ncab Again

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Bob Ipock

Elite Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
North Carolina
Well our Governor recently appointed a man to the NCAB. Some would say he has all the credentials, education, experience etc. to be a board member and that he is a wonderful person....that would not be me saying those things. Hector Ingram, MAI shows a lack of knowledge of the NC 93e and a lack of ethics and honesty for accepting the appointment. You see, Hector Ingram, MAI lives in Wilmington, NC as does another appointee,Samuel Cory Gore. 93e states: There is created the North Carolina Appraisal Board for the purposes set forth in this Chapter. The Board shall consist of nine members. The Governor shall appoint five members of the Board, and the General Assembly shall appoint four members in accordance with G.S. 120-121, two upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and two upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Members appointed by the Governor shall be appointed from geographically diverse areas of the State.

I am not real good at geography but I do know that having two board members from the same city is NOT geographically diverse.

To make it worse, good old Hector publicly raised Hell when someone was appointed to the board that should not have been. We can't have it both ways. We either live with integrity, a sense of fairness and obey the law.....or we don't. In this case he has accepted an appointment that he does not meet the requirements of the law.

This is a big black eye for the NC Appraisal Institute to take part in this total disregard for our state appraisal board law, 93e.

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So two out of 9 living in the same city and that is an egregious lack of diversity? Are there a lot of MAI's in VA living in lots of cities? How about if he moved to the next city over?
So two out of 9 living in the same city and that is an egregious lack of diversity? Are there a lot of MAI's in VA living in lots of cities? How about if he moved to the next city over?

It is in the law. I did not write the law. If the needs to be changed then pe3rhaps they can change it. The law says SHALL. It does not say should, might could, ought to. It specifically states the members appointed by the Governor shall be appointed from geographically diverse areas of the State. Is that difficult to understand?

Yes there are NINE members. Two are non-appraisers and one is the AMC appointee. That leaves 6 appraisers on the board....and two live in the same city. That is unacceptable and violates the statute. This does not show any ethical concern about obeying the law. That may suit you fine.....it does not pass the smell test for me. Ethics are the absolute backbone of the appraisal industry and the example should flow downward. I question the ethical character of anyone who knowingly ignores the law. There 100 counties in NC. MOST of them have never had an NCAB appointment from their appraiser ranks. Plenty of qualified appraisers all across the state......pick one.
I am happy to hear the good old boy system is still alive and doing well . In all seriousness what is the population of the city these men are from ?
Not much support on this one is there? I would agree with the OP. The governor knew where the existing appointees were located and did not adhere to the 'geographically diverse' requirement in making this appointment. That would suggest the appointment was made on the basis of other criteria, perhaps political.
I am happy to hear the good old boy system is still alive and doing well . In all seriousness what is the population of the city these men are from ?
Yeah - and how about a requirement for some gender diversity.
I am happy to hear the good old boy system is still alive and doing well . In all seriousness what is the population of the city these men are from ?

112,067 per 2010 census.


The only issues for me are 1) Is the Governor going to comply with the requirements when he makes appointments...or not?

2) Would an honest, informed and ethical appraiser accept the appointment knowing he did not meet the requirements for the appointment? I have to say no.

3) If no one is going to comply with the statutes then simply repeal those parts of the law.

I know that credibility, honesty, ethics and professionalism don't mean much anymore to many people but they mean quite a bit more to others. We all get to choose how we want to live.
Yeah - and how about a requirement for some gender diversity.

Two of the nine members are women.
And to think the governor never called me to ask if I was interested. Politics run amok.:rof:Perhaps a substantial re-election campaign contribution at the legal limit is in order and I'll be in like Flynn, large and in charge.

Lets see it coud be that this has been so frequent over the years that is has become boring to you.


It could be that you see nothing wrong with the Governor making such an appointment.


It could be that since the appraiser is an MAI then he does not have to comply with any rules or requirements.


I just don't know what the yawn is trying to express.
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