The issue at hand is playing fast and loose with the law.
I don't know know Ms. Jessup at all and if I did it would make no difference. She in in a profession that is DIRECTLY related to the real estate industry or, if you choose to believe INDIRECTLY involved. She is a real estate investor, her Internet advertisement shows that real estate issues are the mainstay of her legal practice. She is very likely to be involved with real estate appraisers on a frequent basis.
The intent of the law was to put regular folks on these boards (not just the NCAB). I don't get to follow only the laws a I agree with and neither should you or anyone else.
(I know, I know, that is not what the law says but it still may be a good thing.)
I don't believe that sneaking off on an end run around the law (any law) is a ethical thing to do. Change the law if you will but respect the law that is currently in place. What is "in the best interest of the public" is obeying the law and trying to slice and dice a phrase. It does NOT depend on what "is" is. Most folks know what "is" is and this situation is no different.
This issue is not about me or anyone else it is about doing the right thing in the spirit of the law. Rep. Brubaker clearly intended the law to exclude folks in the real estate industry. The issue is honesty and ethical behavior.
I assure you that you will not feel so generous if you were to appear before the NCAB and they choose to ignore USPAP or state law as they frequently do. Believe me, you will want the rules, regulations and laws followed and not sliced and diced any way your judges nay feel like doing.
Geez, are there not several hundred thousand people who could fill those slots and comply with the statue...........with no questions asked. Ms. Jessup and Henry Faircloth both should have the ethical and practical mentality to decline and walk away.
I won't (and haven't) lost any sleep over this but I sincerely hope I never become so relaxed that skirting the law seems appropriate.
99% of the emails and phone calls I have received agree that these appointments are wrong. I will just mark you up as one of the minority opinions. You are entitled to you opinion and respect your right to express it.