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In 12 years I've never got this QC request.

I conducted a similar experiment. I first asked ChatGpt to write a neighborhood description for my own neighborhood. Then I changed the prompt to ask for a neighborhood description that did not use subjective or potentially discriminatory words. It was interesting to compare the results.
Did you get a canned comment? Garbage In, Garbage out.
I am sure Chat GPT or other AI can be programmed to exclude certain words - the interesting thing is what will they substitute for them -

What I read in these AI-generated answers or descriptions is they seem impressive at first, but they end up being middle-of-the-road pabum, with no relevant analysis and nothing adverse noted, written in the kind of breezy style RE agents use or the Chamber of commerce uses -
many corner curbs had been modified for wheelchair access.
It's mandated by federal law when federal funds are involved in the street and sidewalks construction or rebuilding.
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