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Inspection Appraiser Northern California

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Freshman Member
Jul 1, 2019
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
Hello Appraisal Forum. I'm currently an engineer with the federal government. I've let my California AG license lapse recently and contemplating if I should renew or not. I also have a NACVA Business Valuation CVA.Uncle Sam allows me to work 20 hours a week outside my regular tour of duty. I last worked for CBRE as a senior appraiser out of San Francisco in 2021. Since I have limited hours, I do not see the justification for maintaining my own database subscriptions or any feasibility in running my own shop. The most ideal service I can offer is to perform inspection visits for other appraisers on a contract basis. I also do drone photography. Please feel free to reach out if you have a reason for me to renew with BREA.
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