I too, frequently have investors contact me directly to give me a "heads up" that the order is coming. They realize that the order needs to officially come from the client (bank), but aren't willing to gamble their time and money on having things slip through the cracks. The reasons for these calls is to enable me to save a day in my schedule so that when I get the order, they do not have to wait several days (or even a week) for me to get to it. I often schedule a time for an inspection for an order that hasn't been placed yet. On rare occasion, these have needed to be re-scheduled if the order had not been placed but generally, it works out well for the investor, me, and the client (since they have what appears to be much quicker turnaround times).
I will not be so rude and pompous that I tell these investors to call the lender, yadda, yadda, yadda. I accept the phone call and inform them that I cannot start my appraisal until the order is received. The investor may not be the client, but especially in the commercial arena, if you think that we don't work for these investors, think again. Were it not for them, our clients would cease to exist!
I just read this post and thought it may seem as though I was picking on you Michael. I assure you that I am not. No disrespect to your post intended.