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Is anyone going to Orlando June 5-7?

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Anita Rimer said:
I never even saw you Janet! Did I?

anita.............don't you remember...............:rof: :rof: :rof:
Anita Janet looks just like her avatar

Janet was not there. She leaves an impression.
oops...........caught in another little itsy bitsy teeny tiny fib.....................:rof: :rof: :rof:
janet rabin said:
oops...........caught in another little itsy bitsy teeny tiny fib.....................:rof: :rof: :rof:

It is hard to believe.
janet rabin said:
anita.............don't you remember...............:rof: :rof: :rof:

I don't remember much of anything! Just ask Chris!
renee healion said:
Anita Janet looks just like her avatar

I met Janet 1 time when I was in a more sober state and I don't remember her looking anything like that avatar!! Hee! Hee!
Anita Rimer said:
I met Janet 1 time when I was in a more sober state and I don't remember her looking anything like that avatar!! Hee! Hee!

i changed my hair.............a few times.............:rof: :rof: :rof:
Anita Rimer said:
I don't remember much of anything! Just ask Chris!

I'll never tell...what happens at the convention stays at the convention. :drinking:

Although Troy looked a bit shaky the next morning. :rof:
Chris Colston said:
I'll never tell...what happens at the convention stays at the convention. :drinking:

Hee! Hee! Whew!!
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