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Is oakland really this bad, do the politicians care.

Tom D

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May 22, 2015
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Certified Residential Appraiser
It could be a scene from Mad Max: on one side of the street, a man lies sprawled on a heap of trash and a row of stolen cars are stripped for parts in front of a straggle of shabby tents. But this is no horror movie: it is modern-day Oakland, San Francisco’s smaller, shabbier neighbor and a place that has become synonymous with mass looting, rampant crime and sprawling homeless encampments that cover entire city blocks. Surveying the devastation, a resident who asked not to be named told DailyMail.com: ‘This place… It makes San Francisco look like paradise.’ The encampment, sprawled along the side of the 880 freeway across from the city’s famous Embarcadero , is one of 170 such homeless camps blighting Oakland. But despite their efforts, crime has continued to shoot up with burglaries up 23 percent compared to last year and motor vehicle thefts up by a whopping 44 percent. Meanwhile, the homeless population now stands at a record 5,490 – double what it was 10 years ago – with 67 percent of the unhoused living in camps on the street. Earlier this moonth, a 76 gas station run by Yemeni immigrant Sam Mardaie on the city’s East Side was ransacked by a mob of between 80 and 100 people. Mardaie later described the situation as ‘unbelievable’ and said he had been underwhelmed with the police response.
Its california. And this is what newsom and the dims would love to do to the rest of the country, infest the US with more dim and liberal politics.

Maybe some day the idiots in california will realize that there are consequences to elections and they brought this on themselves.

Nah, probably not.
The whole state needs to move back to the right, the left's social experience is a miserable failure and it is past time to get tough.
The whole state needs to move back to the right, the left's social experience is a miserable failure and it is past time to get tough.

I think the problem is that people like you and other rich people (that would be anyone that actually works for a living) aren't paying enough taxes to help the poor, disenfranchised, helpless, chemically dependent segment of society. You heartless bastards need to pay your fair share to help these people pull themselves up and out of their desperate situation, a situation forced on them by the selfish, racist, and inefficient system, one that could be fixed with a mere Trillion $, or so. But first you need pay those reparations. LOL!!

Move back to the right? Too late. Better chance of total socialism or communism with the old and new hippies running the place.
Its california. And this is what newsom and the dims would love to do to the rest of the country, infest the US with more dim and liberal politics.

Maybe some day the idiots in california will realize that there are consequences to elections and they brought this on themselves.

Nah, probably not.
So what's the solution?
The key to managing for grafitti is to paint it over as soon as it pops up, not leaving it up unmolested. The key to managing street prostitution is to hassle the hookers and johns on sight. The key to keeping highway speeds is to ramp up enforcement; seeing other people getting stopped/cited every few miles has a dramatic effect on slowing the prevailing flow of traffic.
So what's the solution?
At this point? There is none.

There won't be one until the entire state has fallen to the point of virtually no return. Until it reaches that precipice, all they'll do is continue with the status quo, demanding more money to throw down the rat hole of inept liberal "leadership". Right now the problems are mostly confined to the major cities but it will spread. Maybe then the majority will wake up but I'm not sure it will be in our lifetimes. The bleeding heart dims and liberals have dug themselves deep into the system like a bunch of ticks and they won't easily give up their cushy jobs and inflated pensions. Not really that different from Wash DC.

The only solution is time. Reminiscent of Detroit in the 60's - 80's.
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So what's the solution?
Swift and sure punishment. If you put a druggie in jail, they will sober up. But if you turn them back out, they just do it again. So, jail needs combined with drug treatment. Since they are living outdoors, just build big pens and a few tents. If an illegal, send them home. If the home country refuses to take them, then cut off their foreign aid and hire some of those smugglers to smuggle them back into that country anyway. If not offending, but on drugs force them into drug treatment. Drugs and booze are the bane of the nation. Tolerance isn't working. True communism does work. Russia does it to their drug users - they send them to Siberia and work them until dead. I don't think we want that. But it works.

It is amazing the number of entitled youth who think socialism just hasn't been done right yet. They argue Denmark and Sweden are socialist, but they fail to understand they have more social services than we do, and they do surrender more individual liberty as a result but overall, they do not screw with business because they recognize that it is capitalism that provides the funds for healthcare, subsidies, etc.

Look at the Swiss. Very low murder rate. And adult men are required to keep a military rifle in their home until 55 years old. A friend of mine broke his leg on a ski trip back in the 1970s, and they kept him in the hospital for weeks and charged him zero, but again, taxes are high and very importantly, a factor we try to ignore. The population is a uniform, well-educated, socially similar people. Even Indian nationals in Britain speak with a British accent, understand the King's Law, unlike the Middle Eastern immigrant who believes in Sharia and hates the ways of the west. The United States was never like that. We are a mix of races, religions (one reason many people fled to here in the first place), and we were founded by Spanish, French, and English elements. The SW was a mix of Spanish and Indian cultures that predated the very existence of USA. The South was full of slaves. The Irish migrated en masse to the US 180 years ago after the British starved them and we wonder why they still hate Britian? Germans too. My German ancestors fled Germany and its constant warring between the various Duchy's. My French ancestors were Huguenots whose families were butchered by Catholics opposed to their "heresy". And Netherlands tolerated them only long enough for them to get a charter from London to settle in America. My British ancestors fled the hierarchical society of England which kept them poor. The earliest city in the USA was Spanish - St. Augustine, FL. America wasn't a melting pot. It was stew made up of numerous cultures but all conforming to the new country as best they could. Italians came to the NE. Cajuns were run out of Canada.

Redlining was created by the government, FNMA no less, and as a result, we ended up with isolated pockets of blacks who could not share the wealth of a nation. As one guy put it paraphrased, "I grew up in the 1930s when we were all poor, but happy. We all had fathers and mothers in our house. Welfare caused our families to break up because they could get more money." The permissive society that the young today live in glorifies killing in every online game, TV show, movie. It acts like sex is free and pregnancy is painless. Not your problem. "Get an abortion" if you don't want to be a single mom. We are sick society through and through, top to bottom. And this nation has never been so divided as it is now since the election of Abraham Lincoln. And we know how that turned out. Today there are no social norms. There is no central religion except money to caution our excesses. Anything goes. And no one with money is ever punished - look at the Alex Baldwin case.
I think the problem is that people like you and other rich people (that would be anyone that actually works for a living) aren't paying enough taxes to help the poor, disenfranchised, helpless, chemically dependent segment of society. You heartless bastards need to pay your fair share to help these people pull themselves up and out of their desperate situation, a situation forced on them by the selfish, racist, and inefficient system, one that could be fixed with a mere Trillion $, or so. But first you need pay those reparations. LOL!!

Move back to the right? Too late. Better chance of total socialism or communism with the old and new hippies running the place.
Nobody but a clueless progressive would put up with behavior like that. George is right. Jail time at the old truck farm would do a world of good. The rest of them are institutionalized until they don't need to be if that ever occurs.
Nobody but a clueless progressive would put up with behavior like that. George is right. Jail time at the old truck farm would do a world of good. The rest of them are institutionalized until they don't need to be if that ever occurs.
George is right....
That's why DOJ thought it was important to arrest/try/place Jan 6 rioters/insurrectionist/tourist in jail....
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