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Is the pressure gone?

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Actually what I meant was that in our area at least a lot of procrastinators seem to wait to see "How low can it GO" and then PANIC run wiht one wing down scurry flame and scream to get all thier refi-s done in 24 hours when the rates start to climb...

And yes thte Fannie waiver is starting to hurt here, had two cancel that were 'ordered prematurely' as "With their credit scores we won't NEED an appriasal'

will be an interesting ride folks!! write your legislative contacts and expres yourselves...

S&L 2 will be BIG!

Lee Ann
----work like a maniac, then suddenly nothing for months :!: :!: :!:
Boy what a difference 2 years makes.
Barbara's 2 cents were right on!


yep in aticiaption of rate hikes we have already begun the investigative reporter act and have a pre-planned trip ta Pluto :unsure: lined up - avoiding the Rush seems ta be a theme, have peede and MJ booked the same flight, now ifn Janet books we're there B) , but if it's jus MJ :dance: - we already stole the bat from bat the penguin so's we can git in a lot o practice; also brought along a couple cans o silly string so when we launch that little puppy, we can jus tell em we got em on a string :cool:

any BG's come along wit him and we brake out da :fencing:

ifn he starts whining :banana:

any reporters :shrug:

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