What I have found, writing the report is not so time-consuming. Its writing and confirming the comps that take the lions share of the time. I've been using Datappraise for about 7 - years now. I like the flexibility it provides. Like Terrell mentioned, you can save parts or sections and insert on the fly. Zoning, regional, or neighborhood descriptions, market analysis, I save from every report to the database. You can set a template up like this:
Comparable Sale 1 is located at { CompField_IS_1_Address }. { CompField_IS_1_LocationDesc } This location is { LOWERCASE_Comp_Adj_Sale_1_Adjustment_5_Qualitative } to the subject and a { LOWERCASE_Comp_Adj_Sale_1_Adjustment_5_Percent } adjustment will be applied.
and when you merge the data, it looks like this:
Comparable Sale 1 is located at the property is located in the northwestern part of Lafayette, in a transitional area, where primary development is single-family residences. To the north of the property is undeveloped, agricultural land.. and just to the west are several commercial structures operating as a feed store, a garden center, and a towing business among others. The residential properties were built in the 1960s and have an average age of 55 years. The size ranges from 900 SF up to 2,072 SF of GLA, with an average size of,304 SF. The average sales price is $111,668, with a median price of $88,000. The median household income for Census Tract 9703 Block Group 3 is $35,507. This location is inferior to the subject and an upward adjustment of $6.17, or 5.0% was applied.
I find new ways to use it all the time. I often include a table comparing the Subject GBA to the Comps, or age, for instance. Then the adjustment is pulled from the excel workbook in the next column, or maybe a qualitative comment such as superior, inferior or similar, based on the adjustment made in the corresponding workbook.
I also can generate a quote or bid, then if accepted general an agreement, and populate the same information into the appraisal document, only typing it once, when making the bid. Add Office 365 and its auto-text and building blocks, and assembly is fairly painless. Setting up the workbooks is a little complicated at first. But soon, my templates will pull labor stats from the Department of Labor, and Demographics from the Census Bureau, Fed Reserve data, and Dept of Commerce data in the background using Excel's data connection feature they have added to Office 365. Still have a few bugs to work through there but I am close.
But best of all, you can import Costar, or MLS data into the database, easily. So quarterly, I can dump the MLS sales and leases in, and when needed, do the proper research to flesh out the information.