My bad Bayou, but I wanted to get your attention. I come in peace.
I was thinking about your situation and I believe you may want to take an alternate route since this has been going on for what, 3 years? What is the saying about doing something over and over and expecting different results? Sure, you may get the appraiser's license revolked but I really don't think you'll get a new septic and well. Especially since you failed once before in court.
It's a hybrid plan first posed by Mejappz in post #274, George Hatch's line of thinking in that you should just forget paying lawyers and just make the necessary repairs, and Terry Rohrer's post #754 where he states to just "walk away" as, he knows the inevitable being the skilled, experienced, appraiser he is.
I believe you should look into a loan modification. I did a lot of appraisals back during the Great Recession to help homeowners keep their properties.
You would strategically default on your loan....3 months or so, then sporadically make payments here and there to keep you in the game. You appear to be pretty good at research given everything you found out about FHA loans, Etc.
FHA National Servicing Center (NSC): The NSC offers loss mitigation programs and informational resources to assist FHA-insured homeowners facing financial hardship. (this is you, given you have to pay for an entire septic and well system, a necessity for living in the dwelling). They can provide guidance on available options, such as FHA-HAMP, Standalone Loan Modification, FHA-HAMP Combination Loan Modification and Partial Claim, and Pre-Foreclosure Sale (PFS)
Look into it.....